05 - Are you blackmailing me?

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"Caden!" I whisper yelled.
"Can we talk?" I say dragging him out of the table.

"Armen, y'know...it's not nice to talk about people when they're right next to you" Caden started as we walked out of the cafeteria.

"It wasn't talking...now please can I have my phone back" I pleaded with him.

"Sure" he said, stretching the phone to me but immediately pulled it back.

"...but why would I do that" he asked with a smirk.

"Because you're a super nice and amazing Caden...please, pretty please"

"Y'know what!?"

"What?" I snapped, and immediately went back to my pleading face.

"I'll give you back your dear phone, and won't link this out if you help me with one thing"

"And what's that?" I asked, eager to get it over with.

"A date with Vee"

"Okay sure!...I promise I'll try" I mumbled the last words.

"Good!" He said as he brought out his phone and took pics of my phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked with furrowed brows

"Well...just incase you decide to change your mind, then I've got this" he said waving at his phone that has pictures of the chat.

Well there goes my plan:(

"Can I have my phone back now?" I stretched my hand so he can drop the phone on it.

Just then we heard the bell for the next class
"See you after school" Caden says, more of asked.


"So we can discuss things" he replied.

"Yeah okay" I said, walking to my locker.


I checked my schedule and groaned as I picked up my Economics book. It's a miracle I'm still alive right now, I saw the light, it was just as bright as I thought, Calculus would most likely be the death of me, my death certificate would probably look like this.

Name: Sajia Armen
Age: 16
Cause of death: being a lazy ass and died of boredom due to Calculus class

*groans in annoyance

"Hey" I snapped my head up to see Aby walking up to me, with Mady.
I glared at Aby...but of cause she didn't get the memo.

"I don't think I've properly introduced you guys" Aby started.

"That won't be necessary" I say through gritted teeth.
And by the way, with the way Mady was half glaring at me, I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me either, good! 50/50 *eyeroll again

"So I was thinking of a colored theme...how about blue?" Mady turned to ask Aby, well...would you look at that! I just turned invisible.

"How about purple, y'know like Astro purple" Aby squealed, they kept on throwing ideas at eachother.

"Yellow! Yellow's perfect for you!" I blurted out and immediately mentally face palmed. Both girls turn and looked at me with their eyes saying- what? wait she's here?

"Oh would you look at the time...it's half past I'm no longer needed here" I mumbled and walked away as they continued.

I walked into my Economics class...what the hell! There was still three minutes left before class starts! Kill me now! Did I just got to a class before the teacher? I'm I becoming a nerd?
Oh wait..you have to be smart to become one.

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