Chapter 1; The Rain in His Hair

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Scar ran through the rain into the cover of leaves, he leaned against a tree trying to catch his breath. He heard the leaves rattle in the tree next to him, he looked up to see what was making the noise, there crouched on a branch was a person with wings, quietly growling at Scar.

"H-hey there dude could I kn-"Scar was saying until the winged person lunged at him. He quickly moves rolling onto the ground, then the winged person lunges at him again moving their hands onto his neck. Scar grabbed the person's wrists gently to try and rip their clawed fingers away from his throat.

"Grian let the guy go!" A woman's voice said from behind them, the wing person growled and tightened his grip.

"Grain, let. Him. Go!" The woman's voice got stern, but thankfully Grian let go of Scar, and sat on Scar's hips with his arms crossed glaring at Scar.

"Thank you, geez" the woman sighed and walked over to two.

"Why are you sitting on him?" The woman asks.

"Yes why a-" Scar was saying until Grain started to growl at him.

"Grian! Don't growl at the poor man." The woman said, then Grian got off of Scar and walked over to the tree Scar was leaning on and carved into it.

"I am so sorry for him," the woman said.

"It's alright!" Scar smiles as he gets off the ground.

"My name is Pearl, and that you saw was Grian, he's a bit... rough around the edges but he's just a big softy." Pearl laughs a bit.

"I can definitely tell," Scar sighs as he rubs his throat.

"Here let us take you back to where we are staying, since you are all muddy." Pearl smiled, Scar nodded.

"Come on Grian we are going home." Pearl said and grabbed on to Scar's wrist.

¨ Wait, why is he coming?!" Grain complained, as his feathers ruffled.

¨Why does it matter? It's the nice thing to do, after you attacked him." Pearl said, and Grian rolled his eyes in response.

¨Thank you Pearl." Scar smiles


Pearl led them to a small cottage further into the forest, it looked abandoned, but it seemed like it isn't either.

¨This place looks um-¨ Scar was interrupted.

¨It's not the best, I know, we just started living here, we ran away from our... tribe" Pearl sighed.

"It's Alright, I don't mind, unless the roof comes down on me" Scar jokes after Grian groans and pushes past Pearl and Scar, he walks into the cottage.

"Come on in, um, I never got your name" Pearl rubs the back of her neck.

"Oh it's Scar! Scar the elf" Scar laughs as his pointy ears wiggle.

"Oh you're an elf!! I thought you were a human" Pearl observed.

"It's a common mistake, I get confused as a human a lot, I think because of my hair hiding my ears." Scar sighs.

"Well then come on in scar" Pearl smiled and they both walked into the house. When they walked in they saw Grian in the kitchen putting wood into the furnace so he could make food, Grian ignored the two that entered the kitchen.

"What are you making Gri?" Pearl asks.

"Soup" Grian answered as his winged ears flapped gently, Scar stared at the wings, transfixed on them.

"That's so cool" Scar smiled, Grian scoffed and focused on making the food, Pearl sighs and turns to Scar to see him pouting.

"It's alright Scar, here follow me so I can get you out of those muddy and soaked clothes" Pearl snickered.

"Aw thank you. You sound like my mom a bit" Scar chuckles, he follows Pearl out of the kitchen leaving Grian alone. Grian started to hum a little toon as he cooked the soup, his ears flapped as he heard soft walking on the wooden kitchen floor. He turned around quickly to see if Pearl or even Scar were trying to scare him, but no one was there. He sighed and went back to making the soup to see a cat on the counter next to the stove. He stared at the cat thinking it wasn't real until meowed at him and got up from its sitting spot. Grian jumped back from the cat fleeing to the otherside of the kitchen, the cat following him thinking they were playing a game. Pearl and Scar come out of the other rooms when hearing Grian scream. He jumped onto Scar's back, his clawed fingers on his head and and his feet on his shoulders.

"Someone get the cat away before it tries to take my feathers" Grian yelled putting his claws into Scar's hair. Scar winces at the claws digging into his scalp, as the cat meows at Scar's feet. Pearl laughs at the sight of Grian on Scar's shoulder and a cat meowing at him.

"I-it's ok that's my cat" Scar stutters.

"Awww, they're so cute!" Pearl says and leans down to pet the cat, which they gladly accept.

"Her name is Jellie," Scar says as Grian gets off of his shoulder and clears his throat.

"I need to make sure the soup didn't burn" Grian says and walks back to the stove, he takes the pot off and grabs an oven mitt to put under the pot.

"Well come on let's get back to what we were doing and Jelly can come if she wants, and before you catch a cold" Pearl advised, and Jellie purred agreeing.

"Well if Jelly agrees I guess so," Scar smiled and they left to back what they were doing with Jelly following behind. Grian sighed out the air he was holding, he started to cough into his arm then sighed again and grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and started to put soup in it for himself. He went into the dining room and sat at the table to start eating.

"I'm really sorry we don't have any shirts that will fit you" Pearl sighed as she walked into the dining room area.

"It's perfectly fine Pearl thank you for trying though" Scar smiled. Grian looked over to the group to see Scar with his scarred chest out and the faint old scars on his torso.

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