Chapter 6

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Once the two got downstairs, Ren and Tango were sitting on the couch reading  ‘The Past of the Eyes that Watch’ quietly and Pearl, sitting on the floor, found a book on plants.

“Alright what about we talk like civiled adults.” Scar said as he went to sit on the couch across from Tango and Ren with Grian sitting next to him, and Pearl set the book on  the coffee table.

“ Fine but then Grian and Pearl need to explain how they have wings and IF they have anything to do with you know… the Watchers” Tango said, and Grian and Pearl got tense but this time everyone noticed the change in their mood.

“Fine but-” Pearl started.

“-you can't tell anyone.” Grian finished and everyone agreed and they waited.

“ Our tribe that we have been talking about is… the Watchers, we ran away from them” Pearl said as she got up from the floor, everyone looked stunned except Grian who looked like he was thinking what to say.

“And well I was born with wings but…” Pearl said.

“I was lying about being born with wings…” Grian mumbled, his statement surprised Tango, he was usually good at knowing who was lying and who was not.

“I was… forced to have wings by the Watchers.” Grian said, everyone was silent, even Pearl didn’t know that, she was surprised.

“T-They what?!” Pearl yelled and Grian looked away.

“You didn’t even tell your own sister?” Tango asked.

“We aren’t actually related, we call ourselves siblings because we’ve known each other for a while b-but Grian why did you never tell me?” Pearl rambles, feeling tears peek in her eyes.

“It’s not that serious,” Grian says.

“Yes it is! I could’ve helped, I-I could’ve done something!” Pearl says her voice cracking. Ren, Scar, and Tango sit there watching in disbelief.

“W-well they must have not done it in the name of Irin and Xquel '' Ren says to himself out loud catching everyone’s attention.

“Why do you say that?” Scar asks.

“Because I have seen Xquel with my own eyes, and I’ve heard stories!” Ren said, those words made Grian tense, and Pearl stared at Grian.

“Y-you’ve seen Xquel, where?” Pearl asked, with worry slipping in her voice.

“I saw him less than a year ago in the forest behind the castle garden, he was staring at the flowers, I saw him from my window.” Ren says and places his hand on the back of his neck. Grian started to sweat, from the name being spoken, the name that no one's said in almost a year.

"Xquel? I may not worship him but you say his name in power… but you know who would know the best about Xquel? Xisuma." Tango says as he looks at Ren. Grian sat there quietly feeling like he was slipping in and out of reality, until he felt a hand on his shoulder, he flinched to the sudden feeling who was looking at him worried.

"Are you ok, you've been out of it for at least 10 or 20 minutes?" Scar asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, you don't have to care about me." Grian growled and got up from the couch and walked upstairs.

"Is he ok?"Scar asks while turning to Pearl who was staring at where Grian left.

"I don't know, he's never acted like that before…" Pearl says.

"We'll be back a bit later, we are gonna go get a few things and Xisuma and maybe a few others" Tango says as he gets up from the couch.

"Alright I'll hope to see you guys soon with Xisuma and maybe more" Scar smiles and waves Tango and Ren out.

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