Chapter 8

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Once Scar made it upstairs he noticed the slight temperature change and his bedroom door opened, he swore he closed the door, after he made it to his open bedroom he noticed the one person who was missing from downstairs, Grian, sitting on the bed leaning against an open window.

“Grian?” He whispered, the avian didn’t answer,Scar lightly walked over to him and noticed him sleeping, his wings twitching as he slept.

“Oooh your sleeping, man were am I supposed to sleep comfortably now” Scar whined quietly, but apparently not quiet enough, Grian shifted but ddin’t wake up thankfully, Scar sighed and moved away from Grian and went to his chair next to his bed and sat down with a yawn, after a few moments he passed out.


“Is Scar still sleeping geez” Pearl chuckled as Grian stood next to her, he woke up almost an hour ago.

“I guess,” Grian shrugged.

“Tango and Ren should be back soon. It's about noon, and what I remember is their bringing more people, more friends” Pearl smiled.

“Wake him up” Grian said and nudged Pearl’s arm.

“No you do it!” Pearl snarked and pushed Grian back, them not being very quiet it woke Scar up.

“What are you two arguing about?” Scar groaned, it made the ‘siblings’ jump in surprise.

“Gosh Scar, you almost gave a bird a heartattack!” Pearl cried as she put her hand on her chest.

“Well with you two bickering, I can’t really sleep, now can I?” Scar sighed.

“I quess not, but we were only arguing because it's almost noon and I'm hungry. Also, Tango and Ren should be here soon.” Pearl rambled, it made Grian sighed and shook his head in annoyance.

“Oh void yeah, I forgot” Scar said and got up from the chair, his back started to ache from the way he slept.

“Come on Gri we’re going downstairs” Pearl chuckles and grabs onto Grian’s hand leading them both out of Scar’s room, soon after Scar went downstairs to see Pearl reading a book as she leans against Grian. The knock at the door was rough and so loud it echoed through the quiet house, it even scared Jellie that she scrambled away into the kitchen. Scar walked over to the door and opened it to see Tango, Ren, Gem, Mumbo, and Xisuma standing there. Pearl shut her book and placed it on the coffee table now sitting up next to Grian.

“Come in guys, they're sitting at the couch, go ahead and sit down” Scar says as he lets everyone in, Mumbo and Xisuma look at the couches and are pleasantly surprised to see two people with wings sitting there. Tango came in and led everyone to sit in the living room, Grian and Pearl sit there awkwardly as Mumbo and Xisuma stare at them.

“Now Mumbo, Xisuma it's not nice to stare!” Gem said which made them stop and look away.

“Ok you two this is Pearl and Grian, yes the wings are real and-” Scar started.

“Are you guys Watchers?” Xisuma said, Grian narrowed his eyes and glared at Xisuma which made him sit up straight and tense.

“Now don’t say that! Watchers are monsters and these two are nice” Gem said and glared at Xisuma.

“Well to my knowledge, Watchers are the only things that have Wings! What am I supposed to say?” Xisuma argued.

“Uh nothing, duh?” Gem rolled her eyes.

“Stop fighting you two!” Tango said and glared at both of them, Xisuma felt himself sweat under Grian’s, Tango’s and Gem’s glares.

“Ok well, Pearl, Grian do you guys want to explain?” Scar asked.

“Uh yeah sure, well as you heard I’m Pearl, and about the wing thing… we were apart of the watchers, but we ran away from them at least a year ago, we just started living around here at least a month ago” Pearl explained, Pearl had forgotten to tell Gem so her, Mumbo, and Xisuma were suprised.

“Wait wait so you guys are actually watchers?” Xisuma asked.

“Well I was born with wings and basically grew up with them.” Pearl said.

“I was mortal and had wings forced upon me by the watchers.” Grian sighed and had his eyes closed to not see everyone's reaction of pity.

"I was there since I was like 12" Grian finished then opened his eyes to see Everyone sitting there with a sad look, it pissed him off a bit.

"Then you know about the history?" Gem asked.

“Yes, we grew up learning it, and about all the leaders and that every hundred years a new leader comes,” Pearl said.

“Wait wait how long have the watchers been around for?” Xisuma asked, it surprised everyone, they thought he knew everything.

“Atleast 1 or 2 thousand years, people only just started writing history about the watchers in the last 50 years!” Pearl said and crossed her arms.

“Us people who have lived with the watchers know everything!” Pearl proudly said.

“Wait watchers have existed for atleast 2 thousand years?!” Tango yelled, surprised.

“Yes, is it that surprising?” Grian asked.

“Well yes, are they the reason for people disappearing and villages burning down?” Ren asked, it made Grian tense, which to his dismay everyone noticed, it was another thing Grian never told anyone.

“You know something dont you?” Tango glared at Grian.

“Dont you go ac-” Pearl started to snapped.

“No… I do know some stuff about that,” Grian interrupted Pearl.

“What do you know?” Scar asked, it was the first thing he had said in a while.

“What I know is that I was a survior of a burning village the Watcher’s caused,” Grian glared, he felt water come into his eyes.

“My parents also survived, because they left me in the burning house.” Grian’s voice started to crack, he stared at the floor to not see everyone’s face.

Words; 981

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