Chapter 19

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"Why would I know things about elves?" Scar said quickly, sweat started to build up on his forehead.

"Because you're an elf?" Grian started.

“Oh yes, hehe…” Scar looked away as everyone started to look at him, Grian grabbed Scar’s wrist.

“W-wha-” Scar gasped as he was pulled.

“What did you hear?” Grian questioned and glared at Scar who was now sweating.

“N-nothing!” Scar nervously smiled.

“You can't lie to me, a watcher” Grian got up from the couch, his legs woppled like they do after he uses his powers. He gripped Scar’s wrist tighter as he tried to straighten himself out, Gem and Pearl stood there in shock on the side not wanting to interrupt.

“ I just had a dream that's all,” Scar said, looking straight into Grian’s eyes, that were a hint of purple.

“But you know it's not just a dream,” Grian scowled.

“What?” Scar nervously said.

“Don’t lie to me! I can tell when you people do!” Grian yelled, he let go of Scar’s wrist and pressed a finger onto Scar’s chest then started to wobble.

“Gri-” Pearl tried to step in between the two.

“Lying is a violation of trust, and I thought I could trust you!” Grian yelled and then started to topple over, Scar grabbed him and helped him stand but Grian just pushed him away and sat on the couch.

“I-I… I… I heard a woman’s voice” Scar started.

“And I… I don’t know who though, I thought I’ve heard her voice before, but I don’t know from where” Scar finished, he stared at the ground, not wanting to see Grian’s scowl that he could feel on himself.

“Scar, when did you hear that woman’s voice?” Gem asked.

“Yesterday.” Scar answered and looked over to her, the always smiling face was looking sadly at him.

“This sword doesn’t hold a normal arua…”Grian stated and crossed his arms over his chest, Scar looked at Grian, his eyes widened.

“It has the arua, a god has, but the past energies that held that sword were elves.” Grian said, his face softened, but his eyebrows were still scrunched up.

“Wait a god!” Pearl shouted.

“The sword has the saying, “Trust is in the blood we take'' it's in ender, a languge spoken by only gods and… elves” Grian continuted explaining.

“That’s why I asked,” Grian glared at Scar.

“I um… don’t remember anything before living here, I came here a couple of years ago and I can only remember that, I… don’t even know if my name is really Scar.” Scar said, everyone’s faces turned to surprise.

“Scar, are you saying before we met you dont remember anything?” Gem asked.

“All I remember is waking up in the forest and Tango and Gem finding me…” Scar said.

“They asked a lot of questions, and all I could say that I couldn’t remember,” Scar said after taking a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“I thought you wouldve remembered by now,” Gem said.

“No. That's why I haven't brought it up.” Scar said and looked away, Jellie had come from somewhere and sat between Scar’s legs, she stared at Grian with sad eyes.

"Scar…" Grian started which caught everyone's attention.

"Yes?" Scar answered.

"Don't lie to me again, I may not have full trust in you now, but I want to… trust you, just don't lie to me" Grian said, his cheeks turned red and Scar was surprised and then smiled, he basically pounced onto Grian and cocooned him into a hug.

"Thank you Gri" Scar whispers, Grian placed his hands on Scar's back and hugged him back.

“Can we joi-” Pearl smirked.

“No” Grian said and then him and Scar pulled away, Pearl frowned.

“ You’re such a partypooper!” Pearl whined, Grian and Gem laughed. It was goff they were laughing especially for Grian, who’s eyes were their now normal dark brown.

Scar apologized to Grian again, then the blonde man was forced into a group hug, again. Pearl had her arms tightly around Grian, so did Scar and Gem, Grian sighed and finally accepted that the three of them liked hugs. Pearl forced Grian to lay down and Scar agreed, he relunctly laid down and soon fell asleep, Gem yawned and then sat on the couch across from Grian falling asleep herself.

“Scar, I may be able to help you with your memories.” Pearl said and turned to face Scar who looked surprised, he then smiled and nodded.

“That would be awesome!” Scar said, Pearl nodded and grabbed his arm, she pulled him to the dining table and made Scar sit down, then sat down next to Scar. Pearl grabbed his hands and closed her eyes, Scar closed his eyes.

“Just keep your breathing even” Pearl instructed, Scar did as told then got a strong headache. As Pearl let go of his hands he opened his eyes, her eyes were purple but her wings stayed their natural color.

“I-I’ve never done that before” Pearl stuttered with a smile.

“How are you feeling?” Pearl asked.

“Slightly lightheaded, but other than that I feel normal.” Scar said, Pearl nodded and got up and walked to the kitchen as Scar walked to the living room and sat by the sleeping blonde man.

Scar closed his eyes.

“Scar wake up” The woman’s voice said, Scar opened his eyes and saw a woman wearing a flowy green dress, her ears were pointed like his and she had blondish grey hair.

“Good morning darling, your father shall be here soon” The woman smiled.


“Abigal!” Yelled a man’s voice after the wo- his mom disappeared from his view, Scar sat up and saw a man, he had long jagged transparent blue wings, his mom hugged the man and kissed him on the cheek, he was holding the familiar sword.

Dad “Trust is in the blood we take''

“Caspian, It's been too long! Come, you must meet our son” Scar’s mom said and grabbed his dad’s hand. Scar tried to move from where he was but couldn’t, he then watched a kid run past him.

Scar gasped and sat up quickly, startling the awake blonde man and Gem.

“Scar, are you ok?” Gem asked and got up and walked over to him.

“I-I” Scar looked around, panting.

“Scar?” Grian whispered, he was sitting next to him.

“It worked…” Scar said, Grian grabbed his hand and closed his eyes.

“G-Grian!” Scar said quickly.

“You dreamed of her again, and a… man” Grian said, his eyes still closed.

“You’re… remembering things” Grian said and opened his eyes, Gem smiled and hugged Scar.

“I'm so proud!” Gem smiled.


A week goes by and Scar has remembered a lot of things, about his mother, his father, the sword, the Ender language and more, he had more questions than answers to his past questions. Grian has been distaint to everyone, but at least he got over his sickness quickly.


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