Chapter 3; The Run Of Feathers

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After a while Grian went back to his room, the sun now setting.

"Where shall I be sleeping?" Scar asked, after Pearl yawned.

"Huh? I didn't think that far... shit" Pearl said.

"It's ok! I can sleep on the floor out here" Scar chuckles.

"No, no that will not do!" Pearl declared and got up from her chair and walked to the hallway as Scar got up from his seat and followed her. Once she got to Grian's room and knocked on the door, after a bit Grian opened the door, his wings fluffed up a bit and his hair sticking up in some places.

"Yes?" Grian yawned.

"I need Scar to sleep in here tonight, with Jellie," Pearl said.

"And you're not allowed to say no!" Pearl said and Grian groaned and opened his door wider to let Scar into the room and Pearl left the two to her room.

"Don't touch anything," Grian growled as he grabbed an extra pillow and blanket out of his closet.

"Thank you, Grian '' Scar smiled and Grian rolled his eyes and dropped the pillow and blanket on the floor, after flopping into his bed getting comfy letting his wing relax. Jellie came into Grian's room and jumped onto his bed, and sat on the edge of the bed watching scar get comfy on the floor.

She meowed and got up from her spot walking to Grian's side cuddling herself against his side and under his wing, Scar yawned and soon fell asleep.


In the morning Grian was the first to wake, the first thing he saw was Jellie's face in his.

"Hello Jellie" He softly chuckled, he yawned and got up and got off his bed. He forgot Scar was sleeping on his ground and was startled to see him, he sighed and walked to his door getting out of his room, Jellie following him into the kitchen. He goes to the counter and pulls out a bowl from the cupboard above, putting it back on the counter and then pulling out a container of porridge, Jellie jumped onto the counter and watched Grian move slowly around the kitchen, after he grabbed his bowl and moved to the dining room setting himself into a chair. Jellie followed and jumped onto the table and watched Grian mumble to himself and rub his eyes.

"Why are you up this early?" Scar asked as he leaned against the wall, Grian jumped to the sudden voice.

"Void you scared me" Grian says with a sigh, he rubs the bridge of his nose and looks over to Scar you looks like he had been up for hours.

"Still that doesnt answer my question" Scar said and walked over to Grian who was staring at his food.

"Why does it matter to you?" Grian asks glaring at the other man.

"It doesn't, I was just hoping for an answer," Scar said and sat across from Grian. Grian rolls his eyes and starts to eat his food, Jellie gets up from her spot and walks over to Scar jumping onto his shoulder.

"And I see you still havent found something to wear, '' Grian scoffed before he took another bite of his food. Scar was taken aback a bit.

"For your information nothing you guys have is my size" Scar mumbled and crossed his arms.

"Stop being a baby" Grian said and got up with his now empty bowl, going into the kitchen and putting his bowl in the sink. He then went to his room leaving Scar alone in the kitchen for a moment before Pearl came out of her room almost falling asleep standing up, she moved to the dining table sitting on a chair almost slamming her head against the table.

"Well good morning to you too Pearl" Scar chuckles.

"Morning" Pearl mumbles with a yawn and looks over to Scar.

"Where Gri?" Pearl asks.

"He went back to h-" Scar was saying before Grian emerged from his room with a red robe hiding his wings.

"I'm going to town, I'll be back soon" Grian says and starts to walk to the door.

"I'm coming with" Scar says and gets up from the table, Jelly jumping back onto the table.

"What no!" Grian Yelled.

"I think that would be a good thing for both of you!" Pearl agreed with Scar.

"No no no no no!" Grian disagreed.

"Thank you for agreeing with me, Pearl," Scar smiled. Grian groaned and hit his head against the door as the duo chuckled, after a bit Grian reluctantly agreed, him and Scar then went off to the town.


"You couldn't even find anything to put on at least" Grian groaned as the two were getting to town.

"I live here in town, I'm friends with everyone here plus the king so don't worry about it" Scar winked in return Grian rolled his eyes. The two didn't say anything the rest of the way, letting the birds and the sound of the wind going through the leaves fill the silence. The closer they got to town, the sound of people became louder.

"Let's just hope it's not too busy since it is still early" Grian sighed to himself and lifted his hood over his head to hide his winged ears.

"Do you talk to yourself a lot?" Scar asked and Grian jumped, forgetting Scar was there, again.

"Yes I do, do you have a problem with that?" Grian Growled and glared at Scar, he quickly shook his head and they kept walking until they made it into town.

Scar was the first to enter the town, Grian after him. The town was down low mostly old people or old now good crimanls shopping. Grain walked over to a food stand of fresh vegetables and fruits, grabbed an apple and put it in his basket and started to talk to the stand manager. Scar walks over to his house in the town opening the door to see his house empty as it was before he left a few things out of place but not too bad, once he entered his house he turned the lights on and then a moment later Grian entered the home.

"Dude you can't go off without telling me!" Grian stated.

"Sorry sorry, I just wanted to make sure no one came and stole stuff." Scar said and turned towards Grian.

"Yeah ok whatever" Grian rolled his eyes and closed the door, he started to look around Scar's stuff.

"Hey now you can get a new shirt" Grian snarked.


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