Chapter 12

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Grian sat at the table as he heard Scar walking around in the kitchen, he then also heard footsteps from the stairwell, and talking. Grian looked over to see Gem and Pearl.

“Oh morning,” Grian said.

“Morning, how are you? Your wings are also, um, wet,” Pearl pointed out.

“Well I haven’t had the chance to dry them” Grian defended himself.

“How do you dry your wings?” Gem asked.

“I use a towel.” Grian explained.

“I also have to preen my wings soon, so do you Pearl,” Grian said.

“Morning Girls, I made breakfast, sit, sit!” Scar smiled as he brought out four plates.

“Ooooo breakfast!” Pearl cheered and raced over to a seat.

“Thank you Scar!” Gem smiled and sat next to Pearl.

Scar set down the plates in front of everyone and sat down next to Grian, who had started digging into the food as he was given it.


"The rain is finally done!" Pearl cheered as she stared out the window.

"That's amazing!" Scar cheered as well, the cheering startled the sleeping Grian.

"You two quiet down! You just woke up poor Grian." Gem scolded the two.

Grian grumbles and sits up.

"I'm up now, what's going on?" Grian asked with a yawn.

"The rain stopped," Pearl smiled.

"Oh that's nice," Grian said.

"Yeah that means we can go to Gem's farm! I wanna see a horse!" Pearl clapped.

"Yeah co- Wait… WHAT!" Grian yelled now fully awake.

"Farm!!!" Pearl yelled then raced upstairs.

"Where is this farm?" Grian asked as he looked over Gem.

"It's a half a day journey," Gem said.

"Is it near woods?" Grian asked again.

"Nope, just near a small abandoned town, that's it" Gem finished.

"Just making sure it's safe." Grian said with a small yawn.

"Don't worry it's safe, I've been there before" Scar confirmed.


Pearl raced into her room and searched for her robe, which shortly after she found it, she then grabbed another robe for Grian.

"I've got the robes!" Pearl yelled as she ran down the stairs.

"Can we go now?" Pearl asked as she made her way to Scar, Gem, and Grian.

"Of course!" Gem smiled.

"Though warning I do have 2 other people living with me" Gem warned.

Before Pearl could move an inch a knock came from the door, everyone froze. Gem and Pearl helped get Grian sit up on the couch. Scar opened the door and with relief it was Tango and strangely Ren too.

"Oh guys, what are you doing here?" Scar asked and let the two in, they gasped when they caught sight of Grian, who had bandages on his forehead, around his chest and one on his cheeks.

"Dear void, what happened to you?" Ren asked as he sat on the couch across from Grian.

"Just umm… watchers" Grian mumbled and looked away from Ren.

"Wait really!!" Scar yelled, the sudden yell surprised everyone.

" What is so exciting?" Gem asked as she crossed her arms.

"Tango's Tavern is opening back up tonight, but you guys want to go to the farm which is I think a half of a day trip and it's only going to be open for tonight and then next month for only one night again. I haven't had a drink for a bit, and I really need one, no offense of course." Scar rambled.

"I mean I can just take Pearl for 2 days. And I promise to bring her back in one peace" Gem stated and looked over to Grian.

"I mean as long as she's safe, I… I will trust you… but if anything happens your head will be clean off your shoulders" Grian said.

"Of course" Gem stutters.

"Ok then can we go now?" Pearl asked.

"Of course, we've got a long trip ahead of us," Gem smiled.

Pearl quickly put on the robe and put the hood up and after giving Grian a hug then pulled Gem out the door, leaving Grian, Scar, Ren, and Tango in the house.

"Grian, would you like to join us for a drink?" Ren asked.

"No, I don't um drink, but uh thanks for asking" Grian stated.

"I never asked you or Pearl, how old are you guys?" Scar asked.

"Oh uh, well I'm  22 and Pearl's 19." Grian shrugged.

"Wow, I would have expected you to be a bit younger, but you are around our age so that's nice!" Ren smiled.


Tango and Ren left Grian and Scar then Scar left the house as the sun had started to set. Grian sat on the couch reading a book, Honey Mice, he thought the book was strange. That was when the Door opened, Grian looked up to the door to see a maybe trashed Scar.

"Geez, what did you have to drink and how much?" Grian questioned.

"Huh? Oh uhhhhhhh… 7?" Scar slurred as he walked over to the couch.

"Are you ok?" Grain asked.

"Um yeah, uh I think" Scar chuckled.

"Let's get you upstairs" Grian said as he got off the couch and grabbed onto Scar's arm, pulling him towards the stairs.

"You're so nice Gri" Scar smiled, Grian just rolled his eyes and made Scar walk up the stairs with him.

"Your wings look SOOO soft, and when you get pets you purr, like a cute kitty" Scar giggled.

"Let's just get you into bed so you'll shut up" Grian groaned, he could tell Scar was tipsy especially when he started petting Grian head.

"Knock that off" Grian growled and swatted away Scar's hand.

Grian finally got Scar into his own bed, before Grian could do anything else Scar was pulling off his shirt.

"Woah, Scar give a warning?!" Grian said and quickly looked away.

"Why? You seem to like my muscles" Scar laughed.

"What?! I do not!" Grian yelled.

"Whatever you say Griii, will you at least cuddle with me?" Scar asked.

"No." Grian denied the cuddle request, which just caused Scar to get all teary eyed.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Grian questioned.

"You don't wanna cuddle!" Scar sniffled.

"Huh?! W-what, ugh fine, I'll… cuddle." Grian groaned, Scar stopped and smiled and then scooted onto the bed and made room for Grian. Grian climbed onto the bed and let Scar wrapped his arms around him.

"Um, good night,"Grian whispered.

"Night Birdy" Scar yawned.


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