Eyes on the Missing Boy pt.1

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The feeling of the grass laying flat under his spread wings and body felt good to him, the stars of the night sky looked like they were sparkling and the moon was full. Grian was so busy stargazing that he didn’t hear someone walk to him.

“Grian?” Scar said.

“Huh!” Grian sat up and looked behind himself, Scar now stood infront of him, his arms were crossed over his chest.

“What are you doing out here, especially far away from the city?” Scar asked.

“Fresh air, it's getting kinda stuffy in the house, and Gem just left, so I expected you and Pearl to be sleeping right now.” Grian said and turned away from Scar. Scar came up and sat down next to Grian, Scar’s hand grazed Grian’s, Grian looked at him and Grian’s face washed over with horror. Eyes started to pop through Scar’s skin, Scar turned to Grian.

“What’s wrong?” Scar’s voice didn’t sound like his own, it was distorted.

Grian sat up quickly, tears streaming down his face, he was panting. Grian looked around himself, the moonlight shining through the window. Grian looked around himself and found himself in Scar’s room, Scar was laying on the floor, sleeping thankfully. Grian sniffled as he wiped his face with arm, wiping the tears from his face.

“Grian?” Scar whispered, Grian looked over to him, tears still dripping down his face.

“S-sorry did I wake you?” Grian’s voice cracked, Scar got up from the ground and Sat on the bed next to Grian. Grian looked away and stared out the window next to him.

“Are you ok?” Scar asked.

“Yeah, I just had some stupid nightmare…”Grian whispered, fearing if he spoke too loudly Scar would leave.

“Is that the reason you’ve been avoiding me and Pearl?” Scar asked, Grian looked at Scar and then down to his hands and nodded.

“It’s alright if you don’t want to talk about it,” Scar said and laid on the bed with a yawn, Grian laid back down, next to him. Grian had stopped crying and he finally fell asleep, Scar laid there staring at the ceiling thinking about what nightmare Grian must have had if he was crying. Scar shook his thoughts away and closed his eyes, falling asleep himself.

Then again Grian woke up with a start, it was now morning, the sun shined through the curtains, giving the room some natural light. Grian looked around the room to see himself alone, he sighed and got out of the bed accidentally taking the blanket with him, making himself trip. His fall made a loud thump on the floor, Grian hoped that Pearl and Scar weren’t here. Grian got up and walked out of the room and downstairs to find no one, he sighed again in relief, he sat on the couch facing away from the stairs. Then the door opened and came in Scar, Pearl and then another person’s voices came. Grian looked up from his hands and saw Tango, his eyes narrowed on the Demon.

“Grian we have some people looking for some kid that went missing like 10 years ago, look at this poster” Pearl said and handed it to the blonde man. Grian looked confused and then looked at the poster, His name was on there.

Grian ???

Grian stared at the poster in his hands, it felt like the world had stopped around him.


“Grian?” Scar asked and sat next to Grian, the man was frozen in his spot and he looked unfoucus.

“Is he alright?” Tango asked.

“Gri?” Pearl said loudly and that thankfully took Grian out of his state.

“Are you alright?” Scar asked, Grian looked at him and then back to the poster.

“Th-that's… this can’t be true” Grian whispered then got up from the couch.

“Where are the people passing these out!?” Grian yelled, Pearl was taken aback by his yelling and so was Scar.

“Why?” Tango questioned.

“BECAUSE that's me!” Grian yelled, even louder than before and pointed at the poster, the name of the missing kid and picture.

“What makes these people think I’m alive! My parents left me in a house fire!” Grian dropped the poster and paced, his hands waving above his head as he yelled.

“Grian calm down, what if they aren’t your parents?” Pearl asked.

“That would be a big damn surprise because I don’t know any of my other family!” Grian yelled and put his hands in his own hair, pulling on it as he kept pacing back and forth.

“How about you sit down and calm the hell down…”Tango said, his arms crossed and behind him, his tail swayed.

“You're one to talk” Grian growled at tango, his wings puffing up a bit.

“You two will not fight in my living room, but please Grian sit down” Scar said harshly to the two, Grian grumbled something in galatic and then sat down on the couch.

“Thank you” Scar said and Grian rolled his eyes and glared at the poster Scar was holding.


When Grian finally calmed down, Pearl sat down next to him as Scar took Tango to the other side of the room, they spoke quietly so that the avian’s couldn’t hear them. Pearl looked over to Grian to see him staring off into the distance, and frustrated tears perked in his eyes.

“Grian?” Pearl whispers, it took the avian out of his thoughts and he looked at her.

“Pearl?” Grian whispered back, Grian’s hair was frazzled and everywhere from him pulling at it.

“So you believe the people looking for you are your parents?” Pearl asked.

“Yes… I never knew anyone else in my family except them.” Grian sighed and wiped his eyes, some loose tears trialed down his face. Pearl nodded and rubbed his back, under the root of his wings.

“It’s ok, how about me, Scar and Tango find out who these people are? I um also have had a question for you for a while now.” Pearl exclaimed, her voice low.

“What would that question be?” Grian asked.

“What was the name of your village?” Pearl answered with her question.

“It was called Old OpalSpell Village,” Grian answered, his lips quirked into a soft smile.

“That is a strange Village name.” Pearl said and removed her hand from his back and scratched her chin, getting into thought.

“It was a very old place, in the middle of the forest hidden well.” Grian smiled.

“It must have been beautiful…” Pearl grinned and gently nodded.

“It was… it's so sad that the place burned.” Grian sighed.

“I wish I could’ve seen it,” Pearl smiled and looked away from Grian with a smile still on her face, Grian looked down to his hands and sighed, his mind was still everywhere, thinking of the people putting missing posters of him around and if they were his parents.

A knock came from the door, it surprised everyone.

Words; 1156

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