Chapter 30

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Author's note

Apologies for the delay. 

This is a big chapter, I hope you enjoy it!


Lizzie's POV

Lizzie tingled with excitement as she entered the forest, she was thankful for the warm sunlight that filtered in through the trees casting the forest in a beautiful autumn glow.

She never understood her fascination but she couldn't help but feel drawn to the inhabitants that lay within. She swore that she saw a wolf once when exploring alone, but when Henry found her only moments later, he'd dismissed her thoughts completely and then went on to chastise her for being out alone.

The guilt and disappointment she felt was enough to vow that she'd never enter the forest by herself again. But things had changed since then, she'd doubt with all the secrets that Henry had been keeping, he'd mind if she kept a few of her own.

She had a feeling that he'd call tonight, the thought filled her with a mixture of dread and irritation especially since the likelihood of receiving an honest answer was slim.

Lizzie doesn't linger on the thought, knowing it'd only upset her. She watches the birds above as they swoop in and out of the trees without a care in the world.

Venturing deeper in, she watches as the trees growing denser almost block out the sunlight and transporting her to a completely different world entirely.

Without warning, Lizzie observes a sudden flurry of activity as squirrels skittering from tree to tree quickly disappear out of sight, birds swooping in to hide amongst the branches and even the insects seemed to crawl back into their hideaways, leaving the forest in an eerie silence.

Goosebumps left a trail along the back of Lizzie's arm that she begins to sense that some terrifying creature was close by, one that wouldn't be friendly with humans.

Taking slow cautious steps back, Lizzie eyes flit from side to side as she continues to watch her surroundings. Her instincts were screaming at her to run but that would only cause more attention and she was at least two miles into the forest.

A low pitched snarl appears from her left and Lizzie watches in fear as a black wolf creeps out from behind the trees. A scream rises in Lizzie's throat but she squashes it immediately knowing it would only cause a reaction from the wolf.

He'd seen her immediately, his mouth was open, revealing a row of razor sharp teeth set in a menacing smile. It was diseased too Lizzie noted, its fur mattered and patchy across its body. She gulps as the wolf begins walking straight towards her.

Stupid, stupid, stupid she thinks. Kat had warned her about the forest and she completely ignored her.

Lizzie eyes the trees but the initial branches were too high for her to jump up and even if she could reach them, she knew that she wouldn't have the strength to pull herself up.

Making the only choice she knew she had left, Lizzie turns and sprints, she could make it she assured herself, the wolf wouldn't leave the forest she just needed to reach her house.

The wolf howls in delight behind her, eager for the chase. Lizzie doesn't stray on the thought that she was likely going to be his next meal as she pushes her body to go faster, her heart pounding heavily against her ribcage.

A hard force pushes against Lizzie's back as she screams in fear, falling roughly to the forest floor. Ignoring the injuries she attained, Lizzie twists around, attempting to scramble backward putting as much space between her and the wolf, but her efforts were futile.

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