╰► crimson, robb starkᵃ

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SEASONSone - eight


NAMEmarella targaryen-stark

FACECLAIM amanda seyfried



❝ The sky is stained red with the blood of a thousand dying sacrifices ❞


     Marella stark knew from a young age she didn't belong to the stark family. while she somewhat believed that ned stark was her father, for many years she would hear whispers of her being the last daughter of the mad king. as she grew, marella noticed that her hair started to lighten from a gold blonde to white blonde and her eyes shifted from a light grey to lavender. her fathers ward, theon always taunted by calling her the mad princess as she started to resemble the mad king, more and more. when the usurper, robert baratheon comes to winterfell to ask her father to be hand of the king, marcella's true parentage comes to light and she is forced to marry robb stark. will marella survive the game of thrones or will she perish like her ancestors?


—grey ghost was riderless and was supposed to die during the dance of dragons. but since grey ghost avioded men and had a secret hideout, i'm making him be alive. grey ghost is a shy dragon that doesn't like men. he is a pale grey-white and is around 150 years old. he will be close to the size of vhagar but since he has lived free for over a century he is able to fly fast and swiftly.

—marella is daenerys younger twin sister. rhaella didn't die right when daenerys was born and once her children left she had another child. she died shortly after having marella.

—roberts loyalist found marella in the dead queens arms, wrapped in sheet. they took her to robert who intended to have her killed in front of the city but ned convinced him to keep the child alive so he had leverage against the targaryen loyalists, when ned couldn't watch a child be murdered by his "brother"

—ned took marella north when robert made the deal that he would keep the child alive only if she married his eldest son when they were of age. ned agreed and raised her in the north as his bastard along side jon.

—catelyn knows about marella. you can decided their relationship. she can hate her because her father killed brandon stark, her previous betrothed or just because she's the mad kings daughter. or she likes because she pities her because she lost all her family.

—marella loves the north. she feels like she belongs there.

—robb and marella with marry while the king is in winterfell and before bran falls. you can spread this out longer so it's not rushed.

—edmure tully will be promised to marry a frey girl from the start of the deal.

—no betrayal/cheating

—marella will be pregnant at the time of the red wedding. she will be able to escape when a targaryen loyalist posing as a frey knight helps her.

—you can choose her next love interest. maybe tormund, daario or an oc.

—the baby survives! marella has lost so much and i don't want her to be like her twin sister.

—marella comes across grey ghost when she and the targaryen knight are traveling the narrow sea and come across a cave on in unknown island.

—marella makes the unknown island her home. it will be named roella island in honor of marella and robb's love, their daughter.

—roella stark is born on the island and will become queen as roella island becomes the new kingdom for the targaryen dynasty.

—i would like for roella to live but if you have an idea on a great way for her story to end pm me!

—the relationship between marella and daenerys is up whoever takes the story. also the relationship with the starks except robb and jon.

—marella would be a naive girl in the beginning but as she marches with robb to kings landing, she begins to grow confident in herself and after the red wedding she has a cold exterior to everyone except family. i feel like if she had a new love interest he wouldn't give up on her and push through her coldness.

—her and robb's relationship is friendly at first. she was always close to robb as he never treated her bad and they slowly fall and hard for each other.

—even though jon is technically her nephew, marella things of jon as her brother.

—if you have any questions that the summary or notes did not answer pm me!


—if you want to know more just pm me and ask me!

—password here!

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