Oh, the Drama

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He pushed me against the door, hugging me. It was an emotional hug. I could feel it from his embrace. Without letting go he laughed and said, "We don't have a guest room."

I laughed a little, noticing that this was definitely his own room, and hugged back tighter.

"Now, what happened." He inquired after pulling away a few inches, but still holding me by the waist. His beautiful eyes were filled with concern.

"Kay told me that my mom is drunk and that I shouldn't see her like that... there's a whole story behind it and," he cut me off with another tight embrace, but I didn't mind.

"I know..." his voice trembled, "how you feel." His shaky voice whispered into my ear with his warm breath comforting me, making my heart do the flippy thing.

There was yelling going on downstairs, but Gerard didn't move the slightest.

"And you don't have to tell me any more. I get you." He said.

I let go of him, knowing we should check downstairs. He took my hand and held it while we walked. I couldn't help but blush and cover my growing smile with my hand. He definitely noticed, but he didn't say anything.

What is up with all of these feelings?!

"This is the last time he uses that shitty 'guest room' excuse to take another girl to his room! I can't stand it!" Bob's voice boomed louder, "And the mother fucker just met her! A few hours ago!"

I let go of Gerard's hand and entered what I assumed was their living room, where the rest of the guys were scattered and angered. Bob kept yelling, but I didn't pay attention to what he was saying. It was something about how Gerard doesn't know what a relationship is. All I could pay attention to was Gerard's look of shock, embarrassment, and denial.

Mikey shushed Bob by saying his name and making him notice my presence. Even his face went into shock because I had been listening.

No wonder Gerard pulled me so urgently upstairs, because he didn't want the others to stop him. And I knew he was this type of guy. He probably had a new girl to take advantage of every other night or so.

My heart was racing and my eyes were beginning to water.

The Gerard I saw a couple of minutes ago with so much consent and concern in his eyes was no longer the same man to me.

I wanted to leave. Walk straight out of that door. It's not like they would stop me anyway. But I couldn't move. I could not give myself the strength to leave.

Mikey looked at me solemnly, knowing not only was I having my own problems right now, but I was just dragged into a whole new set of drama when all I want to do is sleep.

Mikey saw that.

He saw right through me and that's what gave me comfort. He was that big, soft couch that you just want to collapse onto at the end of a stressful day.

"Let's talk." he said, grabbing my arm gently, but protectively, and led me to a surprisingly gorgeous backyard. We walked to a large and low tree, now hand in hand.

We both sat on a really low branch with our feet on the ground. He didn't let go of my hand and began to explain.

I'll Take What I Want From Your Heart (Gerard Way Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now