Have Fun..

536 19 18

Comfort is a huge thing for me. So, this dress is confusing me. It is comfortable, but so much skin.. I don't like my skin, but I haven't had the best day, so let's be unapologetic!

My two inch, black ankle booties are giving me life, though. The dress is black and sleeveless with a holographic/ metallic glisten to it. My hair was in a sleek pony tail and with little makeup.

I think with both of our dresses, I would automatically think we were going to a club.. and I was right. It's definitely not in my comfort zone because from what I know, it's just getting drunk, dancing to loud music, and maybe get laid. My kind of club would be eating a lot of chocolate or ice cream, rocking to loud rock music, and maybe going to sleep..

Kayleigh burst into laughter, making me jump. I must of really been in my head.

"Yeah. I wish there was a club close by that that would do that." I was very confused by her odd comment. "Ice cream sounds good."

Oh my gosh, I actually said that out loud! Wow, I really shouldn't stay in my head.. I just acted like I knew that I had said my thoughts out loud.

"But, we can always do that here. Tonight I'm taking you the best club." I'm not sure what she means by that, but I don't say anything.

We head out of the door and the sun is already setting.


The club actually looked fun from the outside, and it wasn't deceiving. The inside was dark with minimal bright lights and loud rock music. I was so happy.

Kay already had a drink in her hand, making me feel cautious.

"Don't worry, I don't like drinking that much! Go have some fun!" she felt the need to yell over the music, which I don't blame her.

I turned away from her and realized that without her or any of the guys, I don't have fun. I feel so awkward automatically, but then I think of how cool bartenders usually are, so I just headed towards the two people working behind the bar. They both had name tags which was nice.

I took a seat and Alana was quick come my way. She had beautiful black hair with an auburn sheen.

"What can I get for you?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing I'm just.. trying to have fun, you know." I'm so goddamn awkward.

"You like the music?" She asked.

"Yeah, when it comes to music, this is the best club."

"It's this band's third time playing here. They are so good! It's the most perfect stuff I've heard." I can't believe I didn't realize there was a live band playing, but sure enough, in the corner of the building, there's a relatively small stage. I don't blame myself for not seeing it when we first walked in, though.

"Yeah, they are great." I agreed. I've never heard anything so beautifully blended when it comes to the guitar lines.

"I could so go for some of that guitarist body, though. I have a feeling their name is Ashley. Sorry, I try to guess people's names, but I'm horrible at it." I laugh along with her because it's kind of cool trying to guess peoples' names.

"Well, if you want to have fun, squeeze yourself close to stage. Multiple pieces of clothing have been thrown up there." She winked and I knew exactly what she meant. After all, it is a club.. "They'll probably stop playing soon, so hurry."

I took her advice and made it closer to the stage, which was surprisingly easy even though there were a lot of people.

Wow, the singer's body is.. wow. I could definitely get a load of that. Hm, is it bad that I noticed their body before noticing the whole band had masks on? Oh my gosh, this band is perfect, but I could tell the song was ending, and possibly their whole performance.

I was right. A shiny bass caught my eye as the crowd kept applauding. Aw, it's like, exactly like Mikey's.

Everyone in the band took their masks off at the same time.. and it was Mikey. I felt like a huge weight crushed my whole being. How- GERARD!? What the hell?! How, what?! Bob, Ray, Mikey, Frank, and Gerard all up there as a band, playing at the best club ever.

I had surely been in my head for a while because they had packed up a lot of the equipment and put it backstage. I tried to go back there, but someone blocked me. Then I noticed who and he was completely wasted. Frank was so drunk, I wonder how he played up there.

"Where you going Navy? You look amazing tonight." He slapped my ass like the usual ( I expected it) but didn't take his hand off. Instead, he used it to push me into him and against the wall, close to another room. Oh my god, what do I do?! He felt me up and started kissing my neck. His arm flopped around, trying to reach the door knob of the close room. Holy fuck! What is he doing?! Where is everyone else?

He finally opens the door and slides us both in. Okay, this is not okay. I try to get out of his hold on me when I see two other people in the room.

They were basically eating each other's face off while they had their hand in the other's pants.

They didn't face our direction, and luckily Frank stopped, but their heads turned well enough to see that Mikey was one of the people.

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