A Week in Navy's Journal

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We went to church today and we learned about sins and stuff, but it didn't really affect me, like usual. I love my church, but I just don't feel right, nor excepted.
Afterwards, we went to some restaurant, like usual, as well. It was just a normal Sunday, so bye!

It's 6:37 p.m. right now and my mom is babysitting her friend's child and my dad is home with some chick and they are definitely drunk. I know this isn't good, so I'm going to get to my mom. I may not come back at this point.


It is 1:58 a.m., so it is technically Thursday, but I didn't write anything for yesterday and I just NEED TO EXPLAIN AND VENT AND... my life has permanently crashed and burned. I feel ashamed for even writing about this and I haven't even told my mom and.. I'm just a mess.
So, my dad was drunk and he touched me. That's shortest way to put it. I don't want to go into detail. I can't. I'm ashamed and ugh. I'm about to tell my mom because I'm scared and I'm surprise that I'm strong enough to even write right now.

Thursday (...again):
It felt so great to tell my mom about the situation and she didn't take shit from my dad. She already demanded a divorce and he should be leaving in the next couple of days. During those days, he definitely won't be staying with us.

I want to write about this guy that I have always seen my mom with. He's such a great person and my mother needs a guy like him in her life. She's so broken now and regretful. It's my fault too. Life got very complicated and scary in just a couple days. Anyway, his name is Austin Brent and he works at this diner that I go to often to calm down. He has been good to me ever since the first day I went there. I believe he has a daughter around my age that I've never met. It would be cool to become close with them.

This is going to be short because I am really tired. My dad is gone now. Woo. And my mom met Austin Brent. Woo.

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