My Rock

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I stayed calm and didn't over react. Thankfully, Frank didn't stop me when I walked out, because that may have made me over react.

I headed to the bar again, because maybe I did need a drink. Maybe Mikey's drunk just like Frank. That would make me feel a little better about the situation, but even I'm surprised at how well I'm taking the situation.

Alana comes over and I order just a shot of something because I told her to surprise me. She slid me the shot and we started chatting just a little bit. I really wish I could've stayed in my head now and not tried to go backstage.

I want Gerard. I just have this urge to be with him and be happy. I down my shot and get up.

"Oh, by the way, his name is Ray, not Ashley, haha." I started walking away and I heard her say "darn."

I feel like I run backstage, but I know I don't. The problem is I don't know where Gerard would be, but I didn't have to find him. A pair of familiar feeling arms wrap around my waist and stomach from behind, which is such a turn on for me.

We hold the position for a few silent seconds with his chin on my shoulder and then I hug him.

"I'm so surprised to see you here." We actually both said at the same time. He kissed my forehead with a smile and his breath had the lingering smell of smoke.

He picked me up the way he did the other morning and carried me into a random empty room.

"Mikey-" I began. I wanted to get all of my feelings out, like with Austin, but he cut me off.

"Mikey's not for you. Don't worry about him, okay?" He said.

"I know, but I care about him and.." He grabbed my hand.

"He told me the band is helping him get over you because he knows you two wouldn't work out as a couple. We both know you know it too." It was true. That's why I didn't feel the need to cry when I saw him with someone else.

"I will always care about him.." I hugged him like a pillow to clutch onto at night during a nightmare. He was my rock at this moment because he is better at my own feelings than me.

I held onto his shoulders and looked at him, because my feelings had all centered on Gerard, like they should've been this whole week.

"What's the name of the band?" I asked him.

He pushed me against the door with his hands on my waist. What an answer.

"My Chemical Romance." And then he smashed his lips onto mine.

How clever. This really is his chemical romance.

This is the best kiss I've experienced. Our levels of passion have surpassed everything we've done together, so my heart is completely melting over him right now. Hugs from behind and passionate love.. Mm.

He picks me up again without breaking the kiss and lays me on what feels like a bed or mattress. Of course there's a bed in here...

"Don't worry babe, I'm not going to go far with this." He's so sweet.

We take turns flipping each other over and have the most passionate make out session I could ever ask for. Nothing ever got sloppy or too fast. It was perfect.

But we were interrupted by a couple finding their way inside the room, making out, but the familiar faces made me laugh. Kay and Bob were so into it that they didn't even notice us, so we quietly left.

I know she probably will go home with Bob, so Gee and I headed to his place. Gerard has turned the shittiest day into the best night.


At the house, nobody was back from the club yet. Hopefully Frank isn't getting into any trouble, but knowing him..

"So, did Kayleigh know you guys were playing at that club? Is that why she took me there?" I asked. I'm a tiny bit confused about the whole thing.

"Yep. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before hand. I mean, we're not really that big.."

"Don't be sorry, haha." His singing voice is almost as sexy as his morning voice.

His face flushed as he smiled his smile, giving me goosebumps just from how cute he is.

He kissed my forehead and I put my arms around him.

"My lips are right here, you know." I said, pointing. He giggled. He fucking GIGGLED. Oh my gosh.

"Oh, sorry. I thought they were up here because you speak your mind." He kept softly laughing while my face went cold.

"Did I really fucking say that out loud?!" I need to fucking stop that! What if I'm planning something worthy of a mastermind, but I just blab it out there?! God, Navy. But it's true, his singing voice is SO hot.

"Yeah." His voice got raspy and then he kissed my lips. There's something so perfect about this man that makes me feel like he isn't real, not to mention he's in my arms right now. I feel like a fucking queen with him.

He's perfect.

I'm in love.

Has it really taken me this long to realize it? I'm in love. Gerard Way is the person I want to spend all of my time with.

We went into his room and snuggled in his bed. Let me add onto the list. Hugs from behind, passion, and cuddling are the best things to me.

There was a movie playing on his TV.. which it didn't take long for a romantic sex scene to begin.. Of course.

Gee turned off the TV and got on top of me. Oh lord.

I'll Take What I Want From Your Heart (Gerard Way Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now