Father and daughter bonding-9

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Deticated to @mrssumner
Al squeals and watches him instruct Jarvis to bring my suit to color it. When the suit gets here ( almost dented twice because of Dummy) daddy puts it into a tube surrounded with machines. I've seen this hundreds of times but it never gets old. 5 machines circled the tube and started to spray my suit ( my suit * sigh*), three on the top and 2 on the bottom. The contrast of the two colors are epic. It takes 15 minutes to get it done, 15 minutes if silence. But that was because dad was playing chess against Jarvis, he lost. When it was done Alvera and I started squealing and screaming," OMG YOUR GOING TO BE LIKE A SUPERHERO WITH YOUR DAD! Wait! I'm going to be your famous friend right? With the paps and stuff?" I nodded, 

" totally, boys are going to be drooling over you." That made her squeal again. " Are you done yet?" I ask dad. He nods and turns to Al. 

" Alvera, is it ok if I take Saph out for a test flight? You can go downstairs and hang out with Brandon and Banner if you want." Dad says, Al nods and I step into my suit. 

" Lets do this shiznit. The suit closes around me and I hear Jarvis's voice instructing me how to take off, and all the cool features he has. " Ok, ok I know. We'll talk later." I follow my dad up into the cool ( even though I can't feel it, the suit has heat radiation and cooling) NYC night. Wow , I've been waiting for this since I turned 14. 

" Ok Saph, suit looks great, let's run some tests. I'll ask you for a question and twirl for a yes, and drop down for a no."

 I groan, "dad I know your doing this for info." my dad denies it by dropping and I laugh. 

" Ok sweetie, here's the first question." he clears his throat. "Are you dating someone." I drop, low. I override my dad's suit while I'm at it, and use a camera in the suit to see his reaction, he properly uses it for suit selfies. he looks relieved. "Good, next question, do you have good grades in school?" I fake a drop and his reactions is hilarious. I then twirl up. " Jesus Christ Saphirra! You gave me a heart-attack!" If only he new. " Do you know how to have safe se-"

" DAD!" He smirks

 " Now you know how I felt" I reply by dropping low and flying away from him. " Come back here Saph, or else!" I hear my dad say. 

" Make me." I dare. He chases me around the sky's of New York. My suit is amazing and with my head start I am in the lead for a good 30 mins. when my dad catches me he says 

" Honey, I need to take you somewhere." I follow his lead to a Donut shop. " I went here when I was in a bit of a pickle. this is where I met Fury. " we sit in the giant donut. 

" Cool, but get to the point. I know you are hiding something." he sighs, taking a big night out if his glazed donut and muffling something. " Dad!" He swallows, 

" We found out what the chip implanted in your brain was for."

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