Awakening - 1

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" Beep....Beep....Beep....Beep"

" Tracy, for gods sake, turn the alarm off!" I groaned.

" Who's Tracy?" A deep, not Tracy , voice said. My eyes snapped open, and I was hit with the force of light. " Close the shades" I gasped. A couple seconds later, I was relieved by the snap of a switch. I re - opened my eyes and took in the sanitized machines, white bed and sterilized walls. 

" Why the hell am I at a hospital? And who are---" When I saw the man's face, I instantly recognized , the billionaire/superhero. Ladies and gentleman, the one and only *drumroll* TONY STARK! My eyes bulged out and my jaw dropped. 

" Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?" Tony laughed,  "Are you writing a story?" I blushed and asked the real question I've been anxious to ask, 

"Why am I at a hospital?" Tony's grin was replaced by a serious one. 

" Yeah ummm, you were walking in the street, bumped into me and all of a sudden you passed out. " Why?" The doctor walked in before Tony could answer.

 " Mr. Stark I'm going to have to ask you to leave so I can talk with the young lady." Tony winks at me

 " Have fun!" And leaves, shutting the white door. I turn to the doctor, 

" Why did I pass out?" He sighs " You passed out in the street because you had this ," he waves a small circular device in front of me, " in your brain." I grab it, 

" what is it? " I don't know, but Mr. Stark is going to  analyze it after you go home. That brings us to another matter, where do you live? We did a blood scan, and nothing came up." He leans forward in his chair.  I sigh and softly answer, 

" An orphanage, Ms. Finkles. " The doctor leans back into his chair,

 "we will contact them immediately. " He then gets up and starts to leave the room, 

" Wait!" I call " What about the costs?"

" Taken care of. Courtesy of Mr. Stark." He shuts the door behind him.

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