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" You... How... Tell me!" I almost fall off the donut.
" Ok I'll explain it with Banner. " I can hardly wait, I need to know NOW, but I know Banner will explain better. As we fly back, I see dads as jittery as me. His flying was messy and I can tell Jarvis had to take control a couple times. When we get to home I see Al, Banner and his son Brandon waiting. Al is blushing and I know she's going to give me am earful later. after our suits are taken off, I see dad curtly nod to the Banners and they follow us to Banners lab. This must be pre-planned. I look behind me and see mom talking to Al. I wave goodbye and I she waves back giving me a thumbs up for encouragement. I return it and take a deep breath. 

" Come on Saph, we have been waiting for this forever." When we enter the lab, I gasp when I see Thor waiting for us. " Uncle Thor!" I run over and hug him. As we embrace, he whispers in my ear 

" When you find out, remember to be calm."

" Your just making it worse." I reply and step back. " Now can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Banner raises his hand. " Thank you!" I sigh.

" The chip was installed in the center of your brain. It was tough to get out but I managed to with the help of your father." Dad raises his glass and I roll my eyes.

" I thought the chip was taken out by the doctors?"

" We lied to you, by then your dad had already adopted you and wanted to do it himself, with my help. When I got it out we noticed that the chip wasn't made with human technology." I was so confused.

" So it was made in another planet? Like Asgard?" He nodded.

" It was made by Planetako. They are mostly isolated, far away from Asgard and other planets."

" What's so different about them?" I started to freak out, I could hear my heart pumping faster. Thor took the stage.

" Like Asgard, they are ruled by a king and queen and some are gifted with powers. But unlike us, all are gifted by what you say, telekinesis. When Mr. Banner was performing your operation he noticed you brain was different. he took pictures using Midgard technology and showed me them. I immediately knew that you are a Planetakoian. The chip in your brain prevented your power to be used by you. We know not why you are here, not why the chip was is your brain. but we know one thing, your powers will develop soon. You need to go to Planetako with me."

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