Free Falling-4

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this chapter is dedicated to @Official!_missmarvel

" No! You can't make me go back there! Did you see what she was about to do? What she said? Please, don't make me!" Tony was pulling me to his car, and was going to bring me back to the orphanage. I was in hysterics, refusing to cooperate and was putting up a fight. Suddenly he held out his hand. " What the... what are you doing you crazy man?"

" I'm calling my suit. I can't take you anymore."I was excited to see his legendary armor, but very confused. 

" What are you gonna do? Shoot me?" Tony smirks, 

" Nah, I'm gonna take you to my lair." My brain could barely comprehend what was happening. Mr. Stark say what now?! I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned and squinted my eyes from the sunlight. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! Its underdog! I thought, chuckling from the movie reference. As the suite came closer, I could make out the head, arms, legs, whatnot. Seeing the gold and red suit close up was breathtaking. The sun reflected off the surface of the suit, and it looked god like against the skyline. Once Tony was suited up, and the suit was running, he effortlessly picked me up and charged forward. 

" Aaaaaaaaaah! Holy crap, are you freaking crazy?!" I was holding on to him for dear life. But he just chuckled 

" Don't worry, dear, I won't drop you. " ( btw she is 13, no romantic interest with him ) those words comforted me slightly, and I looked around me. We were flying past giant skyscrapers, and buildings. The city looked beautiful, and I saw the out line of The Stark Building.  ' Stark' was glowing thanks to the arc reactor. We landed on a landing pad that took off pieces of Tony's suit as he walked, still in his arms I marveled, until on of the hands picked me up. 

" What the hell tony?!" I screamed while dangling.

 " JARVIS is get her down" he said dismissively with a wave of his hand. " Right away sir." JARVIS  replied, and I was put down. It was then I looked at my surroundings. 

" Oh my god!"

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