Settling in-16

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We carry on, I make small talk with the Queen and ogle at the beautiful rooms.
" This is the training facility, and the place you two will be tested for new powers and strength." I look around as she explains the 4 categories the facility is split into: Elemental, normal powers such as strength, telekinesis, super speed and flying; Dark powers and special powers given by the old King.
" Where are Al and I training? We don't know what gifts we have?" I question.
" Ah, yes. You must go through The Testing." Elvac nodded.
" We all get one, at least those who are expected or showing signs of a gift."
I wonder if Elvac had one. Of course he did, he works at the castle! Stupid Saph...
" What's the test like?" I ask The Queen.
" It's different for everybody, and it's classified."
Maybe I can bribe one of the guards...
" No you cannot, Sapphira."
Why must she invade my mind?
I don't know if you can be trusted yet...especially if you have your father's personality.
Don't insult my father! And please respect my privacy.
I thought, sending her a glare, but she chuckled.
Huh, so that's how it's gonna be...
I instantly thought about about my favorite rap song and basically played it in my mind. She turned to me and glared ( after cringing) before stopping at a blue door " this will be your room Ms. Stark, opposite to you Ms. Alvera will be staying in the green room. I will leave you two to unpack your belongings and show the others their rooms. Elva's will stay here to assist you if needed." We nod and she guides dad and Thor down the hallway.
" Meet you here after I'm done?" I ask Al, she nods and I open my door and gasp. It was beautiful! My bed had a canopy and the whole room was elegant. I set my suitcase down as well as my suit. I then open it and glare at all the clothes. Hmmm, what if I use my powers? I imagine all the clothes going into the bureau. And it...didn't work. I tried 3 times before it worked. I clapped my hands in excitement. The I walked around the suite. Opening a door to find a huge en-suite. Like bigger then mine huge! Opening another door, I found a walk in closet with Planketo dresses and garments. I fingered the what seemed like silk and decided to try a gold one on. It fit perfectly! I kept it on and paired it with golden flats and headed to Al's room.

Ok, I finally updated:) I'm so sorry about the wait and love you all!
Camille :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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