Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist dad -7

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" WHAT?!" Pepper and I scream. " Jinx! Double jinx! Pickle!" We both shout. Wow, that is the making of a fun mom! 

" Thanks sweetie." She says, did I say that out loud? 

" Yes" Tony replied. Crap. I have a habit of doing that. It got me in a lot of trouble and pain at the orphanage. While I was thinking, Pepper and Tony were whispering, plainly about me. I waited, tapping my feet against the wooden floor. Finally Pepper turns around. 

" That's it. You're staying. Welcome to the life of a billionaires daughter. Get ready for the spotlight because you will be in it 24/7 until the public gets used to you... Or you run from it."

3 years later

The flash of the cameras blind my eyes, so I put my $240 shades on. My heels click on the floor as I make my way down the aisle, behind my dad. The Mayor smirks at him

 " So Iron Man actually showed up for once, how ... pleasant." Dad smirks,

 " nice to see you again, I hope this time things go better for you. What happened last time? Didn't you get suspen--" the Mayor cuts him off 

" let's cut the chase, your daughter, a mere 16 year old, is in possession of a suit. Is that or is that not correct?" He turns to me. 

" Why yes it is Mayor Ass--" my mom elbows me " hole" whoops 😉. My dad snorts and sends me a message through Jarvis

< way to get the party started- me next>
He stands up " My daughter has a suit and is in training conducted by me on how to use it. I have gotten permission by the Government to do so."
" your saying..."
" Yes, there will be a new Avenger and Superhero, Mayor Asshole, and you can't do anything about it." He clicks a button and Shoot to Thrill comes on the speakers.
" The Genius, billionaire, ex- playboy, philanthropist has done it again! By the way, Mrs. Mayor ( no idea of the name) you husband is cheating on you with your friend Ms. Besion." The woman stand up and points at the Mayor " You ------"
With that grand exit we strut out. Hell ya!
That's a quick filler, I may work on the story more during the week.

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