Broken Hearts.

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No one's POV

"Lou Stop you're hurting me!" Niall exclaimed clearly irritated with the older man's antics.

He jerked his arm away from Louis making him stop abruptly and snap his head back to glare at the blonde.

"What's wrong with you!?" Irish questioned rubbing at his arm which was most certainly going to bruise.

"Don't you think I should be the one asking that question." Louis snapped giving Niall a look which quite clearly demonstrated he had,had enough.

"What do you think you were doing in there with that ungrateful piece of shit?" He asked cocking his brows as Niall huffed.

"Please Lou it was just a dance I didn't have it in me to say no to him-." He said as Louis looked at him in disbelief.

"And possibly portray how unfaithful you can be to me?" He completed Niall ,clenching his fists and looking away.

The blonde's knees bucked and hands shook as he heard what Louis said. He can't know,right?

He thought shaking his head as his eyes brimmed with tears

"I'm sorry Lou." He said hugging Louis tightly as his eyes started watering instantly. "I didn't mean to,Li pulled me on the dancefloor,I was gonna get back b-but Z-Zayn reached me before I'm sorry, I'm not unfaithful. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not." Niall repeated without a break as the thought of Louis possibly leaving him invaded his mind. His small body shook as he sobbed into the older man's chest.

Waiting for Louis to hug him back or soothe him through anyway Niall only squeezed him tighter getting nothing in return. He pulled away looking up at the brunette with his watery blue eyes and reddened cheeks.As Louis pushed the blonde away and walked off leaving him alone and cold.

Niall looked longingly at the pathway knowing Louis would return soon enough.

As assumed by him the Rover pulled up infront of him as he grimly walked to the other side and sat in the passenger's seat wiping a stray tear off of his cheeks.

He watched louis light up his cigarette as he looked down at his lap.

Because somewhere deep within him.Niall knew,He knew It wasn't just Zayn that had gotten Louis this upset,It was something else.

And Niall feared he knew,He knew what had went so wrong.

Louis took a swig of his cigar looking straight ahead as he started driving with his spare hand.

"Put on your seatbelt Niall." He mumbled as he sped up a little puffing out contagious smoke every once in a while with a soft cough following it.

Niall did as asked looking out the window as he sighed feeling louis letting down the windows as he let the crisp winter air engulf him,Stealing a glance of his husband who seemed a little to deep in thought.

"Lou." Niall whispered softly earning Louis' attention immediately.

"Hmm."Louis only hummed in response throwing the half burnt fag away.

"Is everything alright?" Niall asked putting his hand on Louis' entwining their fingers together as much to Niall's dismay Louis barely reacted to his touch.Not even pulling away. His rough calloused hands were cold against Niall's soft and warm one's.

"No." Louis answered curtly going back to pondering over something as Niall gulped thickly.

"Atleast say something Lou.Tell me what's wrong?" Niall asked feeling his palms sweat out of anticipation.

"It's Lottie, She's pregnant." Louis asserted Looking into Niall's eyes with  hazy turquoise eyes as The blonde smiled widely.

"That's nice! I'm really happy for Lottie and Lewis!" Niall exclaimed as his big blue eyes sparkled looking out of the window.

"Good for them but what about us, kitten?" Louis asked as Niall snapped his head to look at him. Getting caught up in those distant blue-green eyes as he blinked ever so slowly.

"What?What do you mea-" "you know what I mean." Louis said sternly pursing his lips in a thin line.

"B-But I don't want t-to." Niall stuttered out as his past dawned upon him.

"How long? How long would you make me wait damn it!" Louis snapped slamming his fists down on the staring wheel as Niall looked at him with wide eyes watching as he abruptly stopped the car and turned to look at him with fury clearly visible in his pulchritudinous turquoises.

"L-Lou I don't purposely,I can't-" Niall mumbled cutting himself mid-sentence as Louis glared at him.

"Stop with that bullshit Niall! We both know you can,We got it checked. It stated clearly you're a carrier. How long will you keep it from me? Say it honestly you don't want to have a child with me." Louis said as agression ran young in his veins once again.

"No Lou. It did b-but I can't." Niall said as he broke into tears yet again.

He didn't want to remember it.

He never did.

But it was a part of him like everything else.

"Cut the fucking crap Niall!" Louis roared as he felt his head throb with the amount of anxiousness that was being dawned onto him.

Niall continued to cry heavily as Louis started driving again speeding off to their residence as soon enough he pulled up into their driveway and got out slamming the door shut.

He opened the door for Niall gripping his arm harshly as he brought a still sobbing Niall out of the car and glaring at him.

"What is it!? Speak!" Louis asked grabbing Niall by his jaw as Niall cried harder.

The blonde fell to his knees as he held on to Louis' hands.

"Please Don't a-ask." Niall said sobbing violently.As Louis couldn't help but feel the guilt wash over him.

"Come 'ere." Louis cooed picking him up as clutched his dress shirt tightly sobbing into Louis' chest.

The brunette took him up to their room. As he layed Niall down on the bed taking his shoes and pants out for him. As he got rid of his blazer throwing it somewhere in the room as he settled beside Niall pulling the crying blonde close to him as Niall tried to cease his constant sobs.

"Shh kitten. I shouldn't have forced you. I'm sorry." Louis said softly feeling his heart clench as Niall shook his head agressively.

"No Lou-Lou. It's not your fault. I should've told this to you before I'm s-sorry." Niall said as a hoarse cry left his mouth towards the end.

Niall sat up straight pulling away from Louis. Causing him to sit up as well.

"Hey,Hey,Hey." Louis said cradling Niall's blotchy pink cheeks in hands as he wiped a tear off with his thumb.

"Please Lou. If I can't tell this today,I could never."Niall said as his chest heaved up and down.

He got off the bed rushing through his study as he pressed his palm against his mouth as to not cry.

He reached for the baby blue file as his hands shook and heart raced.

He walked back to their room but this time with a broken yet heavy heart.

He handed the file to his husband digging his finger nails in his palm as he saw Louis' frown deepen with each  page he flipped.

"Sonography Reports; Niall Louis Tomlinson!?"

That's How Louis William Tomlinson felt a piece of his soul get lost within the crinkly old sheets of misery that now just held a little something he could've called his.
Ik I'm evil -_-
Thoughts on the husband.
Thoughts on the kitten.
Thoughts on the Boss.
Thoughts on Ziall.
Thoughts on Narry.
Thoughts on Nouis.

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