Saving Grace

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"Get up Lou! Oh my god." Niall exclaimed as a really drunk Louis fell to his knees infront of Niall.

"Why'd you do that? Why not tell me?" Louis slurred inaudible as Niall struggled in pulling him back up to his feet.

"I don't understand what you say Lou,Get up." Niall said trying to get Louis to stand up atleast.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do Niall." Louis snapped pushing Niall away harshly making him fall to the cold ground.

Walking over to his husband Louis crouched beside him grabbing his jaw rather roughly making Niall hiss in pain.

"You took my only source of happiness away from me sunshine and you think I'll just let you go?" Louis asked as a menacing chuckle followed his question.

"I didn't take anything away from you Lou. " Niall answered fierce letting his hand grip Louis' wrist to ease the pain in his sore jaw.

"You killed him! You fucking killed my son! And you say you took nothing away from me!?" Louis asked letting go of Niall's jaw and harshly pulling at his blonde hair.

"What else are you hiding from me,Huh?being a partime whore?" Louis asked laughing sarcastically at the way Niall's face paled.

"You're drunk you don't know what you are speaking." Niall said more to himself as Louis shook his head.

"You think my eyes weren't fixated on your frame while you chatted away with lover boy or you know when you both danced? You think I didn't see you gasping looking at him in awe?" He asked as jealousy dripped through his words and anger from his eyes making Niall shiver.

"L-Lou I-" "hush Nialler." Louis said eyes still dark as Niall's chest heaved up and down rapidly feeling Louis pick him up.

"You made me so mad today kitten." Louis said as he nuzzled Niall closer into his arms.

"So,So mad." Louis whispered making Niall's hands shake in fear.

"You up for it sunshine?" Louis asked with a faux sweetness laced in the question.

"Yeah." Niall choked out clenching his eyes shut as Louis layed him on the bed.


"I'm heading to Anderson's soon."
Sent 7:35 AM

Niall texted without giving much thought to it as he splashed the freezing cold water over his face hearing his phone ding.

"Call me every hour if not possible, text." - H
Received 7:38 AM

"Will do Mr.Styles."

He assured as he walked out running into Louis and flinching hard. As he distanced himself instantly.

"I'm s-sorry." Niall stuttered as Louis opened his mouth to say something but shut yet again.

"No I was at fault." Louis mumbled as he looked at Niall dodging his gaze.

"I'm sorry sunshine,forgive your Lou-Lou I should've been a bit more sensible. It was a natural cause you didn't do it intentionally love. I'm sorry." Louis said as he walked to towards Niall making him jump.

"N-No it's fine,it's okay I've to g-go" Niall said panicking as Louis tried putting his arms around him.

Louis pulled away with a sigh as he saw Niall's innocent blue eyes still full of fear. Niall rushed out as he wiped a stray tear on his cheek.

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