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No One's POV

"W-When was this?" Louis asked shakily gulping thickly as he stared at the reports with a blank expression.

Niall only hiccuped much to louis' dismay not uttering a single word.

"When was this Niall!? And why didn't you fucking tell me?" He snapped making the blonde flinch as a hoarse cry left his mouth.

"I-It was when-" He began as he started crying harder.

"It was after mum Jay died and you left for the marines, I- Wanted to give you a s-surprise w-when you got back in town. I didn't w-want to tell it to you over phone. B-But a month before you got back I-." Niall stopped as he felt the need to breath,to forget,to not get reminded of it but he just couldn't.

"You what Niall?" Louis asked seething as Niall's sobs only got louder.

"I had already lost him." He choked out as he saw louis's eyes brim with tears threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry L-Lou, So sorry." Niall begged as Louis looked at him dead in the eye. Letting the silence get consumed by this inherent feeling of melancholy who none of them knew how to deal with.

"I'm going out for a while." Louis asserted starting to walk out.

"You've already had enough Lou,you shouldn't" Niall said getting up.

"You DO NOT tell me what to do Niall." Louis snapped earning a apologetic bow from the blonde as he walked out.

He went out drinking the night away Letting the new found news settle in his system. As he thought about the pain,the betrayal,the lies Niall told him all these years. Is there more of Niall that I don't know of?

He thought shaking is head as he chuckled in his heavily drunken state.

If he had something to hide,he won't after tonight.


Niall layed there lifeless yet breathing,empty yet so full of his pathetic excuse of a life.

He stared longingly at the candle flickering at the far corner of their bedroom.

He fought an internal battle with himself

Why lie?

Why cheat?

Why regret?

Everything thing he ever did orbitted around him as he let those stray tears slip down his cheek. Staring at the ceiling above there after.

-Lied because he didn't want his husband disheartened after already losing a piece of his heart.

-cheated because Harry made him forget it all. Because Harry cared when no one did, maybe Niall was just a quick fuck to him but to Niall,Harry styles was so much more. He was his saving grace.

After his therapist suggesting him to work somewhere rather than sit at home and sulk. After being a house husband for 2 years already. When Niall first reached Grandeur. He didn't think of cheating on his husband of course he didn't, after over timing bunches of times and tiring himself with work when he still didn't feel full,he didn't feel the need to shut down,when he was oh so tired of blaming himself, Harry finally stopped by holding him in his arms though for barely a second while he used Niall for his pleasure he still did. And that was more than enough for the perky blonde.

-Regretted because,He loved him, He loved Louis Tomlinson as much as he tried to hate him for the past he never succeeded. He was in love with his Lou, maybe he was too hypocritic to say this but the thought of Louis being with someone else made his heart burn, he was constantly ridden by his insecurities. Fearing Lou would eventually leave him after what they were going through 3 years prior. He didn't want to be unfaithful to his husband,though that's the excuse all the cheaters give in the world.

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