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My head was pounding, maybe drinking so much wine wasn't the best idea. I stretched my arms out and felt a body beside me. I shot up out of the bed, moving the bed and waking him up.

"What the hell?!"

Daryl rubbed his eyes and yawned, before he saw me standing over him.

"Why are you standing over me woman?"

"Why the fuck are you in my bed?!"

"What are you talking abou-?"

He sat up and looked around, running his hands through his hair.

"I guess my drunk self forgot that I had the couch."

"Yah think?! We are never sharing a room again!"

I grabbed my clothes and huffed before walking towards the showers. Had anyone walked in, they may have gotten the wrong idea!


I walked out of the showers and down the hallway back towards my room. I heard hushed voices coming from Lori and Carl's room, I stood outside and was shocked to hear Shane and Lori.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened last night."

"I don't care, you shouldn't have tried it."

"You didn't need to scratch me though."

"I was trying to get away from you!"

"You abandoned me as soon as Rick came back! I was angry, can you blame me?!"

"Anything that happened before doesn't matter now! Rick is back now and you lied to all of us! What's done is done! Nothing else can happen now! Get out!"

I heard heavy footsteps heading towards me, I hid in a doorway as Shane stormed out of the room. I went up to the doorway of Lori's room, she had her back to me and I could hear her sobs.

"I fucking knew it."

She turned quickly and wiped her eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"I knew there was something going on with you and Shane! I just didn't want to believe that you would do something like that to my brother and me. You know about me and Shane and he's Ricks best friend! How could you do that?! How could you sleep with him?!"

"It just happened! He told me that Rick was dead! What was I supposed to do?!"

"Nah, don't give me that bullshit! You had the choice! If you really loved Rick, you wouldn't have fucked his best friend! His best friend who also happens to be my ex!"

"You think I don't know that?! It was a mistake and it's over now anyway! Why are you pinning this on me Chris?!"

"Because it was your choice! I trusted you! Rick trusted you! We all trusted you, and you go and do this! Does Rick even know?!"


"You're gonna tell him! You tell him by the end of the week, or I will."

"You can't!"

"Oh I can, and I will if you don't."

I walked out of the room, my head reeling from the betrayal I had just uncovered. My face felt wet with tears that I hadn't realised fell from my eyes. She was my friend, I trusted her with everything. How could she do this?


We were all gathered around a large computer monitor. Dr Jenner showed us an MRI video of a person being infected by the zombie virus.

"I haven't found a cure yet. The labs I was in contact with all lost power. The last lab I talked to was in France. They told me they were close, but then the power cut."

"What's the timer for?"

"That's a timer for how long the generators will run for."

"What happens when it gets to zero?"

"The power will cut and the lab will start a decontamination process. Everything will start to shut down."

Rick and Shane decided to go and check on the generators, they were gone for not even 5 minutes when the lights dimmed. When Rick and Shane came back, the emergency alarms started blaring throughout the building.

"It's too late. There's no more fuel and the decontamination will begin in 30 minutes."

"Everyone! Gather what you can! We need to get out of here now!"

I ran to my room and started packing. Soon after, Daryl rushed in to grab his stuff. I finished and swung my bag over my shoulder, sprinting out into the lobby. The guys were trying to break down the doors to no avail.

"They're designed to withstand rocket launchers. That won't help."

"Your head's not!"

I turned to see Daryl trying to launch himself at the Doctor, waving the axe in his hand around. Rick and T-Dog were both trying to hold him back, to prevent him from killing the Doctor. Shane pulled out his gun and put it in the terrified Doctor's face.

"Enough! Why would you stay if there was no hope in the first place?"

"TS-19 was my wife Candace. Before she died, she told me to hold out as long as I can."

"That's what we're trying to do as well. If you open the door, we have a better chance to do that."

Lori's eyes glistened as she took a step forward to the Doctor. His face changed for a split second before he let out a sigh and stepped towards the door.

"Go. But just so you know, you won't be able to get past the lockdown upstairs."

He opened the door before headed to Rick, shaking his hand and whispering something in his ear. I tilted my head at my brother, who just shrugged his shoulders before gesturing to the door.

"Come on everyone! Let's go!"

I start to run to the door but I look back to see Jacqui, Andrea and Dale just standing there.

"Aren't you guys coming?"

"I don't want to go down the same way as everyone else."

"Me neither. Since seeing Amy like that, I don't want that for myself either.

"I'm staying with Andrea."

I felt my eyes glistening with tears as I looked at the trio.

"Well, I guess I can't tell you what to do with your lives."

"Good luck Chris."

"Goodbye Jacqui. Goodbye Andrea. Goodbye Dale."

I ran out the door, tears going down my cheeks. Everyone else was trying to break the glass windows, bullets and blades wouldn't penetrate the glass. I watched Carol's eyes light up and she pulled something out of her jacket.

"Rick, I found this when I was doing the laundry. This might do it."

She threw the grenade at Rick, who quickly pulled the pin.

"Everyone get back!"

The explosion was immediate and completely shook the room. The glass shattered and shards fell all over the floor. We jumped over the panes of glass and ran to the vehicles. The walkers were coming at us in all directions. I ran to Daryl's truck, ready to open the door but I took one last look at the building. Andrea and Dale were running out of the building.

"The building's gonna explode!"

As soon as she screamed, the building went up in flames. The blast blew me backwards onto the pavement, right in the path of a walker which fell on top of me. I screamed and tried to stop the walker from getting me. Next thing, blood spurted onto my face and a crossbow bolt was sticking through the walkers head.

"You're welcome."

Daryl pulled the walker off me and held out his hand to help me up. I pushed it away and got up myself, brushing the dust off my clothes.

"Don't think I owe you anything."

I scowled at him and jumped into the truck.

Give Me Your Crossbow (DARYL DIXON)Where stories live. Discover now