Death Wish

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TW: ⚠️ mention of SH and Su*icide ⚠️


When I turned my head back to the barn, I couldn't take my eyes of Sophia. She was in there the whole time and we never knew. I stood up and pushed Daryl's arm away from me, making my way back to my tent. I threw the flap shut and instantly sank to my knees again, covering my face with my hands. My body racked with sobs, I just couldn't take it. I heard the flap open and I tilted my head up. Daryl stood above me, concern written all over his face. He pursed his lips and held out his arms.

"Come on, let it out."

I stood up and threw myself into his waiting arms. I continued to sob into his shoulder, his tense body softened as he held me close.

"I know, I know."

"We spent days looking for her, and it was all for nothing. You almost died for nothing."

It was so hard to get the words out, I was crying that much.

"Come on, ya need to sleep."

He helped me down into my sleeping bag, before turning to leave.

"Wait, can you stay with me? I don't wanna be alone right now."

He sighed and laid down beside me. I turned my back towards him and he laid one arm on my hip. It gave me comfort to know that someone was there for me when I needed it. I fell asleep to the sound of Daryl's breathing.


When I woke up the next morning, Daryl was gone. I didn't blame him, shit needed to be done. I stretched my arms and sat up, looking around my tent. I didn't even bother to get changed, I just put my hair into a ponytail and walked out into the sunlight. I rubbed my hands over my face, it was hard with dried tear tracks. I saw Daryl sitting on one of the rocks fixing one of his bolts. I stood beside him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Where is everyone?"

"Rick and Glenn went to go search for Hershel, Carol is off who knows where, and everyone else is inside."

"What happened while I was out?"

"Oh right, ya don't know. Hershel left the farm and went to the town bar. Beth collapsed, the ladies are looking after her. I got into an argument with Carol and she wandered off."


"She didn't want to go to the funeral. How bullshit is that?!"

"You guys had a funeral without me? But she is grieving Daryl, you can't blame her."

"If Merle died, I would go to his funeral regardless."

I huffed and shook my head before walking towards the house. I had to check on Beth, and Maggie. I couldn't find anyone on the lower floor, so I headed upstairs towards the first bedroom on the landing. Beth laid on the bed, her blank eyes staring straight up at the ceiling. Maggie and Patricia stood around her bed, Maggie bit her thumb nail with anticipation. I sat down beside Beth, grabbing her clammy hand.

"Hey Bethy. You in there?"

Maggie pulled her thumb away from her lips and softly shook her head.

"I think she'll need an IV. She's not getting any nutrients."

"I'll go prepare the IV bag." Patricia said, stepping out of the room. I kept running my thumb over Beth's knuckles, she made no moves. I looked over at Maggie, the tears threatening to spill over.

"I am so sorry about what happened today. Shane should never have done what he did."

"It's okay."

"They're going to get him back. He'll be okay, you all will."

She gives me a grateful smile before coming over and hugging me from the side.

"Thank you."

"Mags, you've become like a sister to me. So has Beth."

Patricia walked back in and started to hang the IV bag. I let go of Beth's hand and stood up, excusing myself from the room. I let myself out of the house and started to head back to my tent.


They came back, but they brought company. Hershel went to a bar to drown his sorrows but they got caught in a shootout with a gang of men. They left one of them to die but Rick and Glenn managed to save him from walkers. After Hershel did surgery on his leg, the guys locked him in the shed. We were all told not to go anywhere near him, not until we knew what he was capable of.

I tried to stay close to Beth during the whole thing, she couldn't be left alone anymore. We tried to give her lunch and she barely touched her food. But when I took her tray downstairs, I realised the knife was gone. I raced back up stairs and held out my hand.

"Hand it over, l know you have it."

She sighed and pulled the knife out from under the covers. After about an hour, Andrea was tasked with looking after Beth and she left her alone in the room! I ran upstairs to find the bathroom door locked, Maggie and I pounded helplessly on the door.

"Beth, we aren't mad. Just open the door okay, and we can talk."

I heard the glass shatter and I instantly knew.

"Stand back."

I raised my leg and kicked in the door as hard as I could. The door banged open and there stood Beth, a shard of glass held against her bleeding wrist.

"I'm sorry."

I walked inside and pried the glass out of her fingers. I grabbed a nearby towel and pressed it against her skin.

"Go and get your dad. She needs stitches."


Hi again,
This is just another filler chapter, we get into the nitty gritty details in the next few chapters. I was having severe writers block for this, so here's the best I got.

Luv yas,
ChrissieSlytherin xxx

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