Not My Nephew!

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We slept off the search but we started again early in the morning. Dale and T-Dog decided to stay behind to keep watch while all the rest of us went to search the woods. We were finding all sorts of red herrings. There was a tent with a rotting corpse, a church with an automated timer that rang bells.

"We need to split up. We aren't coverin' enough ground. Chris, Shane and Carl, come with me. Everyone else go back to the highway and change directions. Daryl, you're in charge. Lori, take this with you."

He handed her a pistol, she started to shake her head.

"What if you need it? What if there's an emergency?"

"We have enough, Shane and Chris both have weapons. We should be fine."

I saw Andrea roll her eyes and turn her back to us. We all separated and headed off in our respective groups. I could feel someone watching me as I walked away, I turned my head slightly to see Daryl watching me. I scowled at him and turned my head forward once more.


Hours passed and yet there was still no sign of Sophia. We ended up in a clearing, a lone deer in the middle of a ray of sun. I raised my knives, ready to throw.

"There's dinner."

I was ready to throw but Rick grabbed my hands. I tilted my head to see Carl walking slowly towards the deer, arm outstretched and a big grin on his face. I smiled at the sight; it was bittersweet to see my nephew so bewildered at nature. He was about 2 feet away from the deer.


Both Carl and the deer fell to the forest floor, the red blood beginning to seep through Carl's blue flannel. I ran to his side and pressed my hand over the gunshot wound. Tears began to escape from my eyes as Carl lay motionless under my hands. The bushes rustled and Shane and Rick immediately drew their guns.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see the boy! It was an accident, I swear!"

A middle aged man in a baseball cap and red checked shirt ran out to us, a rifle clutched in his hands.

"We need to help him! He's losing too much blood!"

I continued to press my hands on the wound but the blood was slipping through my fingers.

"My bosses farm is nearby. Take him there, ask for Hershel. Head in that direction."

He pointed through the trees. I stood up.

"I'll take him, I'm the fastest."

"We'll be right behind you."

I picked Carl up in my arms and started sprinting in the direction the man had pointed. The trees started to clear and I found myself in a field. I kept on running, up over the hill and I saw a large farmhouse in a low valley. My legs were beginning to tire but I knew that in order to save Carl's life, I couldn't stop running. I saw a woman standing on the front porch, I pushed myself to run faster.

"Help please!"


She turned back inside and shut the door. Carl was starting to fall from my arms, I stopped for a second and readjusted. I made it to the gravel drive and a whole bunch of people came out onto the porch. An older man made his way to the front of the group.

"Is he bit?"

"He's been shot, by one of your men. Are you Hershel? I was told you could help him, please help him!"

"Bring him inside. Patricia, prepare the stuff. Maggie, I need an IV."

They showed me into the house, through to a small room with a single bed lying in the middle of the room. I set Carl down, the group immediately surrounded him. Hershel turned back to me.

"Are you the boys mother?"

"No, I'm his aunt. His dad is coming in now with your man and his mom is out with our group."

"There's more of you?"

"Yes, we've been a group since the beginning. They're out in the woods, we lost a child and we've been searching for days."

The door banged open and Rick, Shane and the man came in the room.

"Otis, what happened out there?"

"I was tracking a buck. I didn't see the boy until he was on the ground, I swear."

"What's the boy's blood type?"

"Same as mine: A positive. Chris has the same blood type too."

"That's fortunate. Both of you stay close, we may need you."

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