Live Bait

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The Greene's decided to plan a funeral for Otis. They grabbed large stones and made a makeshift headstone next to the big tree. Everyone else was getting settled in, they had brought the RV down hours ago. When the headstone was ready, we all gathered around the tree. It was the most painful thing to ever go through, and that was saying something. Patricia couldn't be consoled and Shane had to give his eulogy. He was constantly looking down and couldn't stop moving his feet back and forth. My training told me that Shane wasn't telling the full truth of how things went down. Oh yeah, and also he shaved his head in the middle of the night. Who does that? Someone with something to hide.


Our group gathered around the Greene's SUV. Maggie walked out of the house, a rolled up sheet of paper in her hands.

"Survey map. Shows terrain and elevation."

"That's great thanks. We'll make it into a grid, makes it easier to search the area."

Hershel placed one hand on Rick's shoulder.

"You ain't goin anywhere, you just gave 3 pints of blood. You'll collapse before you walk 5 miles, even in this heat. Same for you, you ain't goin nowhere with that ankle. Keep off it."

"Who will search then?"

"Chris, you'll have to go with Daryl. You're the only two that can do it."

"Nah I'll just go myself. I'll be fine."

"Maybe we should teach the others, give them shooting lessons. So that Chris and Daryl ain't the only ones that can defend themselves."

I could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice, I turned to scowl at him and opened my mouth. Hershel beat me to it.

"No. No guns are gonna be carried on my property."

"Fine, it's your land. Everyone hand em over, except Daryl. He's going out."

Andrea pulled her gun out of her pants, Shane pulled his from the holster.

"Actually, would it be alright if we gave Dale a gun? Just for safety reasons, he's our lookout and a good shot."

"No, no guns I said."

"If Dale had a gun, the others would be less inclined to have theirs."

Hershel looked up and then back at Rick.

"Fine, but that's it. No one else can carry one, unless they are leaving the property."

Maggie began to roll up the map.

"The medical supplies are gettin low again. I'll have to make a run into town."

"Not the same place where Shane and Otis went?"

"No, Rick, there's a pharmacy a mile up the road. Done the run plenty of times."

"Tell you what, see the man in the cap over there? That's Glenn, take him with you. He's our go-to-town expert."

I watched the blush rush up her face before she grabbed the map and walked over to where Glenn was kneeling down. Rick walked away to talk to Daryl about the search, I was bored out of my mind. Since when could Daryl tell me what to do? I started to walk towards the farmhouse but I heard Dale talking to Maggie.

"How do youse get good water?"

"We have 5 wells, there's one that feeds the house. That one over there, we used it for the cattle but youse can use it, it's just as pure as the one for the house."


Turned out, the water wasn't as pure as she said it was. T-Dog, Dale and I walked over the well to check out how much water we had to spare, there was a walker in the tank. We don't know how long it had been in there, but it had gills! Maggie, Glenn, Lori and Shane came over to us, they heard Dale yelling at T-Dog not to drink the water.

"We need to get that thing out of there, who knows what it's doing to the water." I peered over the side, down at the monster in the water.

"Can't we just shoot it?" I turned my head to look at Glenn.

"Don't be stupid, we blow it brains out and the water will definitely be contaminated." Shane shook his head.

"Well then, we need to figure out a way to get it out of the water without making a mess. What about if we somehow get a rope around it and pull it out manually?"

"We'd need to get the rope around the thing first, we may need some bait."

Maggie perked up and ran to the house, coming out moments later with two pieces of rope and a can of rotten ham.

"This might help."

She tied one rope around the ham, and began to feed it down the well. I grabbed the other piece and tied a noose, big enough to fit around the walker's waist. I peered over again, the walker wasn't even reacting to the ham.

"It's not going for it."

"Maybe because it's not alive and screaming. There's a reason why the dead didn't come back and start raiding our cupboards."

I rolled my eyes at Lori and stood up, wiping my hands on my jeans.

"Well, looks like we need live bait. I'll volunteer myself for the job."

Maggie put her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, I've had extensive training so I should be fine. I've abseiled many times."

I looked at Glenn, gesturing for him to come over.

"What's up?" I lowered my voice before speaking.

"I don't trust Shane, make sure that he won't do anything that puts my life at risk."

"Okay, no problem."

"Thanks Glenn."

I pulled the ham rope back up, tossed the ham aside and began to wind the rope around myself. I made sure the knot was nice and tight, and wavered at the edge.

"Okay, I'm goin in. If I tug twice, pull me up."

I started to abseil down the side of the well, there wasn't much room to move and the further I went down, the darker it got. The walker hadn't seen me yet, which was a good thing. I might be able to pull this off without the walker realising!

I spoke too soon. I felt the rope go slack under my hands and I started to fall, down towards the hungry walker. I couldn't help but to scream as the rope tightened again, a few feet above the walkers head. I felt my foot make contact with the stones of the well, too hard. Pain radiated through my foot as the walker raised his arms, trying to grab me and make me his next meal.

"Guys! Get me out of here! I've hurt myself, help me! Get me out of here now! Guys!"

I looked down at the ugly beast trying to grasp my ankles. I lifted my knees up so that the walker wouldn't be able to pull me down.

"Guys! I'm about to be eaten down here! Pull me out! Please!"

I felt a tugging sensation on my waist and I started to rise back up to the top of the well. I let the other rope go and just let myself be pulled up. I made it to the top and sprawled out onto the dirt. I held my ankle, the pain making it's way up my leg.


The others all stared at me.

"The pump anchoring the rope broke away, we didn't know until the rope started slipping."

I gave Shane the best glare I could muster; if looks could kill, Shane would be dead and buried.

"Someone help me up. I think I sprained my ankle."

Maggie and Glenn grabbed me under my shoulders, leading me towards the house

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