The Waiting Game

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Shane and Otis went to go and get more surgical supplies. Hershel said that without more supplies, he couldn't operate on Carl. Rick and I sat in chairs by his bedside, waiting desperately for some shred of hope. The girl who saw me, Maggie, went to go find Lori and the others. Hershel managed to get one fragment out but Carl was screaming in agony the whole time. Rick needed to give blood; Hershel said that Carl was bleeding internally, that one of the bullet fragments must've pierced an artery.

After what felt like forever, Lori burst through the door.

"Oh my baby! My baby!"

I know I should've felt sorry for her but I just didn't. I stood up and walked out into the dining room. Hershel gave Rick a glass of orange juice, he had just given another pint of blood. Lori came out, her arms folded over her chest.

"You can operate on him? You're a doctor?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And you've done this procedure before?"

"Yes, in a sense."

"What do you mean 'in a sense'?

"I'm a vet."

"A veteran? A combat medic?"

"No, a veterinarian."

Lori opened her mouth to speak but Rick held up a hand.

"We can't exactly go window shopping for a better doctor. We have to make do with what we got."

She closed her mouth and stomped back into Carl's room.


The rumble of the cars could be heard over the rise. I walked out onto the porch, watching as the Cherokee pulled into the Greene's drive. Glenn and T-Dog jumped out of the doors, running up to the front steps.

"Is Carl okay?"

"He's resting, we're waiting for Shane to come back with medical supplies. Where are the others?"

"They're all back at the RV. They're waiting to see if Sophia turns up or not. If she's not back by sundown they'll bring the RV down."

I looked down to see T-Dog clutching his arm.

"What happened to you?"

"I got cut by a piece of glass, Dale reckons I got an infection."

"I'll go find Patricia, she can stitch that up."

A few hours had passed, Shane returned but no Otis. Hershel began Carl's surgery right away, I paced back and forth in front of the door for ages. When Hershel appeared, we all waited expectantly for his news.

"The surgery was successful, but he will be out of action for a while."

We all breathed a sigh of relief, I placed my hand on Rick's shoulder. We couldn't lose Carl, not yet. I walked out onto the porch, the woman that saw me was sobbing on the front steps.

"You all right?"

"Otis had been part of our family. He's been taking care of the farm since my mom passed and now he's gone too."

"It was for the greater good."

"I know that, but it just ain't fair."

"I know how you feel. I'm Chris by the way."

"I'm Maggie. I'll tell ya, it's nice to finally have a woman around my age to talk to. Beth, my sister, is a bit too young and Patricia doesn't talk very much."

"Talk about what?"

"Ya know, stuff in general."

"Ah, I see. If you ever need me, just ask."

"Thanks. I appreciate it."


Hey guys,
This chapter is a bit of a filler chapter, I just needed to get Lori and the others to the farmhouse and to start the friendship between Chris and Maggie.

Luv yas,
ChrissieSlytherin xxx

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