Oh shit, this thing has other colours?!

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Magical hair dye shenanigans


Not long after Chase woke up, there was a loud, urgent knock on his door. The fact he wasn't expecting anyone was far outweighed by the thoughts he might be denying someone in need of some help, so he opened it and almost immediately dropped his coffee on the ground, instead opting to put it on the little console table by his front door so that it kept his hat and keys company.

There was the initial shock, then there was laughter at the fact Jackie had a bright red mop of hair on his head. Jackie wasn't as amused, gently pushing past Chase to get inside. He wasn't wearing anything special, just a long-sleeved blue t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants, but then he was changed into his super suit before Chase could blink. How did he do that?

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Jackie heckled. His tone was rather more serious than usual while he pulled his hood up to hide his hair. Chase finally simmered down.

"Sorry, man, sorry. I just wasn't expecting... well, that." He pointed at his brother's head, surprised when Jackie cowered further underneath his hood. Chase frowned. "It's a good look for you! What happened, get the wrong brown?"

Jackie's hair was the only one of theirs that hadn't immediately turned brown once Jack had dyed his hair back natural, maintaining its bright green shade without him having to do anything. Perhaps it was meant to withhold his secret identity better if he looked less like the rest of them, but he hated it and started dying his own hair brown to match.

Jackie rolled his eyes. "I'm not that stupid. No, I woke up and it was just like this." A small smirk graced his face. "Seems I'm not the only one, though. Have you looked in a mirror this morning?"

"Wait, what?" Chase's coffee was long forgotten as he bolted off to the bathroom. "YOOOO, silver? This looks sick!"

Jackie caught up to him, giving him a quiz-eyed stare through the mirror. "You like it?"

"I mean..." Chase tilted his head and ran his fingers through his curly, silver locks. "I think it looks dope. And the kids are gonna love it!"

Jackie blinked at him and slowly slid his hood off to get a better look at his own hair again. Most of it was a firetruck red, but there were slight accents of a yellow-gold laced throughout it. "I guess it does look kind of cool... don't you think it'll bring too much attention?"

"What's a superhero without some attention?" Chase shot back playfully, though it didn't seem to help Jackie's anxiety any. "It looks great, man. But now the question is, how did this happen?"

Marvin stumbled out of his study room, coughing and covered in what felt like billions of colourful powder particles, each individually itching at his skin. Every single one seemed to be a different hue and if they weren't also in his eyes he felt like he could name them all at this point.

"Henrik!" he yelled, rubbing his hands into his eyes, but his vision didn't clear. His hands were covered in the stuff, and so was everything else he walked by. Henrik was going to be so mad.

"Marvin? What's the matter? What was that sound?"

"Just an accident. Could use your help, though." He could hear Henrik's footsteps getting closer to him.

"What in the world is all this?" Henrik asked, exasperation clear in his tone. "You're making a mess everywhere! Here, I'll lead you to my office."

At least that's easier to clean... Henrik thought.

"Thanks, Hen. You know, I didn't expect this to happen. It was meant to be a simple spell to make my hair change colour with my emotions!"

"Right, simple," Henrik chided. "Sit down."

Henrik helped Marvin clean the powder off as best as he could (where had it even come from?) yet Marvin still ended up going home multi-coloured.

The next morning, Marvin was woken up early by his phone ringing. His caller ID said Henrik, and somehow he already knew he was in trouble. "Hello?"

"Guess what?" the doctor said quickly. "Your spell didn't work the way you wanted it to! Do you know what it did do? I HAVE GREEN HAIR AGAIN."

Marvin's brain felt like it was still loading before the words finally clicked and he immediately jumped out of bed to go check. When he looked in the mirror, he frowned. "Mine hasn't changed..." It was still that same dark brown it had been since Jack went natural. "I'm coming over again," he decided. "I'll figure this out."

As soon as he and Henrik hung up, two more calls came in at once, cutting one another off. Chase's had been first, cut off by Jameson's. He answered Jameson's video call, both surprised and delighted by the cerulean blue hair on his screen. If Henrik's was anything this bright, well, maybe he had reason to be mad.

"Jamie! How's it going?"

"Cut that out, you. I have a show tonight, I can't go out looking like this!" he signed at his camera sitting on the stand in front of him. "Fix it!"

Marvin started getting ready. "Already doing that. Might not be tonight, but I'll do my best. Besides, your guests might like the new colour!"

Jameson only sighed. "Let's hope so, bye."

He hung up and Marvin called Chase back.

"Marv! Can you please come over here? Jackie's, like, panicking that he won't be able to be a hero anymore because his hair randomly changed colour during the night. Can you do something about it?"

Marvin grabbed his keys. "Wait, only Jackie's changed? Not yours?"

"Oh, no, it did, but I like it! Why, do you know something about it?"

Oh, Chase... "Yeah, but I'm gonna fix everything, all right? Tell Jackie not to worry. I'm heading over to Henrik's to sort everything out."

"Good luck."

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