31. the one were DR is up to no good

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"This is not a good idea" I told the Australian man sitting next to me on taxi going towards the club where the huge Red Bull after party was held. Daniel had made a nice speech about how I had promised to him to spend some quality time with my favourite Aussie and how I was going to miss out and piss him off if I didn't go with him.

"Tell me three reasons why this wouldn't be a great idea" he challenged me and I turned to look at him dead in the eye.

"I still haven't talked with Charles after Friday and this won't make him any happier, Pierre is there, and I can't be around him drunk and I'm not invited" I told the guy who tilted his head like saying oh that was too easy.

"Well, too bad, you're already on the way" he shrugged, and I leaned my head back staring at the ceiling. The weekend had been total disaster. Red bull 1-2 and Ferrari double DNF. Charles was pissed and heartbroken as he watched his championship lead vanishing to the air. Carlos had been more positive, but you could see how much the mistakes and failures were eating both of those guys from the inside.

We still hadn't gone through the episode from Friday as Charles had wanted to focus on the weekend and deal all that, meaning his relationship with his sister, later when he had more time. I was going to deny it, but I think one of the main reasons I could be found on this car right now was to show him that keeping me hostage in our fight, wouldn't stop me from living my life and doing stupid stuff like this. And yes, I knew how immature that was, but so was he and it wasn't like I was going to go to the club get drugged and killed or anything. I was just going to have fun with my good friend the honey badger.

"So how do I get in?" I asked again like it was no biggie that I didn't have an invite, nor did Danny have a plus one.

"I've got it all covered, don't worry" It was that kinds of things that he said that really made me nervous most of the time. Usually, his plans were stupid or insane or both and I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be any different.

"Am I going to make it out alive?" I asked slowly only half joking. You never knew when the guy next to me was going to make me jump out or in from a window or skydive myself inside.

"Depends how things go" he said and I could tell that even he was a little nervous through his wide smile. "One question though?" I sighed even before he had the chance to keep going. Let's just say that I had been here before.

"Yes Daniel?" I turned to look at him with my brows raised high preparing to whatever it was he was going to ask.

"So how bad are the things between you and Gasly?" he asked as innocently as he could and I closed my eyes tilting my head back.

"That's your plan, isn't it? For me to be his plus one?" I put the pieces together in my mind and felt a little wave of excitement mixed with horror fly through me. I wasn't really supposed to see him like this, I mean we were okay, and we were friends, but I really needed to talk things trhough with Char first, before doing anything stupid or anything with Pierre. Not to even mention getting drunk, which had been my plan.

"Maybe" Danny said slowly next to me. "Okay, yes" he then gave in and I let out a groan.

"Danny" I whined. "Charles is gonna explode if he finds about this" I pointed out and a pained expression rose to Daniel's face. He was actually scared of making me feel bad or putting me in uncomfortable position. "Just promise me you'll keep me away from doing anything stupid" I gave in and let out a breath. There was no harm getting in with him if we could keep our distance after that, right?

"Yes, of course" he looked relieved as the car came to stop. "No stupidity on my watch, ever" he added making me chuckle.

We walked towards the huge hotel where the party was taking place. Danny was checking his phone probably to see where Pierre was, and I felt a little nervous on my stomach. I didn't know why, but it felt like everything had changed after Friday. I hadn't seen him, after he left me on his room, which made me even more anxious as we waited outside for him to appear.

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