Chapter 1

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I peered through the scope of my sniper rifle.

The village was relatively small, at least small enough to rob it quickly without anyone getting wind of it.

As if fate was playing into my hands, I noticed a crack in the town wall. I should fit through there.

Normally I would never do such a thing. I myself detest raiders who steal and destroy villages, but this time it is really necessary. Besides, I'm not gonna harm anybody, nobody will even see me.

The supplies were practically not even present, the only thing I still had was a hare that I killed two days ago and there is almost nothing left of it.

I had my entrance and I saw a house, which was a kind of bar. They certainly have something to eat and drink in there.

All right, it's settled and all planned out, now I just have to wait until it's night, then I'll strike.

A few hours passed and it was already a dark and quiet night, all the lights were turned off.

Two people, however, patrolled the village.

My sniper and pistol would wake up everyone in there, so the only option I had was my hunting knife.

What was I even thinking? I am not a murderer! I've never killed an innocent person, just a few raiders and a few crazies who were probably part of a cult or something. They attacked me though, it was self defense.

Enough unpleasant memories. I took my hunting knife, the rest I left here. If everything goes as planned, I'll be back here in a quarter of an hour at the latest.

I slowly walked down the hill and in the meantime I noticed that one of the patrolling people had disappeared.

This could cost me, I hate it when I lose track, but there was no turning back now.

I squeezed through the crack in the wall and crept up to the bar.

The door was locked, but the window was slightly open.

I pushed it up and climbed in, it was dark but still light enough to see.

???: Ellie? Where did you go?

Shouted the guy patrolling outside.

Ellie? Probably the second person who was supposed to be patrolling. Apparently I wasn't the only one who lost sight of her.

I crept up to the bar counter.

Alcohol didn't interest me, but luckily I found water.

I packed four bottles in my backpack and went to the other side of the bar.

On the floor were plastic bags with food inside.

What was that? I took out a piece of meat and took a bite.

Beef? Oh man that's fucking awesome. I can't remember the last time I ate something so delicious.

But now is not the time to munch, I put two bags in my backpack and was about to close it when suddenly the light came on.


I whispered.

???: Hands up, or you'll get a bullet.

I slowly raised my hands and stood up.

???: Turn around.

I slowly turned around and saw a girl with brown hair. She was really pretty, the only thing that bothered me was the shotgun that she was aiming at me.

Y/N: Hi.

???: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Y/N: I'm Y/N. I don't want anything from you, just some supplies.

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