Chapter 7

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I woke up again, it was morning already. Ellie still slept snuggled up to me.

I thought about today. Today is the big day, the day when we will lure the WLF here and hopefully destroy their last squad.

Good question what will come after that, but thinking about it now wouldn't do much good.

I heard Ellie yawn.

Ellie: Morning.

Y/N: Morning, sleep well?

Ellie: Mhm, you?

Y/N: Like a rock.

Ellie: Ready for today?

Y/N: Sure, today is a good day to massacre some WLF guys.

Ellie: Y/N, you don't have to do that. It's okay if you choose not to.

Y/N: I want to do it...and I will do it.

Ellie: Glad I'm going to help you, even if I'm just going to be the distraction.

Y/N: You are pretty much the most important part of our plan. Without the distraction, we can't attack them. Well, we can, but then we'd get a few bullets ourselves.

Ellie: More than a few probably. All right, I'm going to go change.

She disappeared into the bathroom again.

I stood up and stretched, I picked up the assault rifle from yesterday and hung it over my shoulder.

A short time later Ellie came out, she had a new outfit on.

Y/N: Looking good. I like your new outfit.

Ellie: Thanks, I like your...old outfit too.

Y/N:That reminds me, I still have to go back to my supplies, I have some clothes in my backpack.

Ellie: We can go together later if you don't mind.

Y/N: I really, really don't mind.

Ellie: Good, because I like your company.

Y/N: Then get ready for more.

We left Ellie's hut and went to the village gate where Joel and Tommy were already waiting for us.

Y/N: Morning, neighbors.

Tommy: Good morning, come with me, we'll get our uniforms.

Joel went over to Ellie and started talking to her about something, I was already too far away to hear anything.

A few minutes later me and Tommy changed into our uniforms and had our walkies ready.

Y/N: Look at us, real soldiers.

Tommy: Hell yeah, let's give them heat.

We went back to Ellie and Joel.

Ellie: Just tell me later.

They turned around to face us and Ellie walked over to me.

Ellie: Looks good on you.

Y/N: I was counting on that.

Joel: Are you two ready?

Tommy and I nodded.

Joel: Good, then try to contact them with your walkies.

Tommy: Leave it to me.

He walked away from us and spoke into the walkie.

Y/N: Ellie, do you have a plan yet on how you're going to distract them?

Trust | Ellie x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें