Chapter 5

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Y/N: Why thank you that's really nice of you but you're dropping your guard Ellie.

Ellie: I think now-

I snatched her shotgun and aimed my pistol at her.

Ellie: Y/N! What the hell are you doing?!

Y/N: You really thought I was on your side, huh?

Ellie's eyes widened. She looked like couldn't believe what's happening right now.

She gulped and answered.

Ellie: Yeah, I did.

Y/N: Well then you're...goddamn right!

I laughed and held the shotgun back to her.

Ellie was relieved but also kinda angry.

She snatched the shotgun from my hand.

Ellie: You just gave me a fucking heart attack, asshole!

Y/N: Oh really? You seem to be fine.

She grabbed my face and pulled me closer to her.

Ellie: Don't ever do that again, you got me?

Y/N: Don't be so serious. It's a joke between partners. Speaking about partners you look like you want to kiss me.

She blushed again and let my face go.

Ellie: Shut up.

Y/N: Don't be embarrassed. If you had kissed me, I would have kissed back.

She looked at the ground and smiled slightly.

Y/N: I can tell you like that Idea.

Ellie: Let's just search the camp.

Y/N: You really just gonna change the subject again?

She walked over to the tent, still trying to hide her smile.

Y/N: Alright, we'll talk about it next time then.

We searched the camp and took all of the personal documents of the soldiers and their uniforms aswell.

Ellie: Seems like we're done her, let's head back to Jackson, they're probably worried as hell.

Y/N: Hold on. Are you telling me you just wanna leave the truck in the middle of the woods?

Ellie: We need to find it first.

Y/N: We know the direction and we have...

I picked up the gas canister.

Y/N: This little friend to feed him and make him roar again.

Ellie: What do you want to do with a truck?

Y/N: Drive back to this camp and take all the corpses and guns with us back to your village. Let the WLF think they just gone AWOL, instead of dying. Maybe they're gonna waste some time trying to search for their lost brothers in arms. We then will use their walkies to pretend we're the lost squad and tell then everything's okay.

Ellie: Good thinking, that could work.

Y/N: Did you see any keys over here.

Ellie: Nope.

Y/N: That means the keys are still in the truck, come on let's go.

We ran in the direction the soldier pointed to earlier and we did indeed find a truck.

I opened the door and saw that the key was still in there.

Y/N: The key's here, now we just have to fill it up and we're good to go.

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