Chapter 8

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Y/N: Is your little alarm system still working?

Joel: It is...wait a goddamn minute, I think I know where this is going. You wanna lure those clickers in here?

Y/N: That's part number one of the plan.

Joel: That ain't happening.

Y/N: We can use those walkers against the WLF.

Ellie: If we cage them in here and hold them here until the WLF arrives, we can let the soldiers get close and open the gate to release a wave of clickers against them.

Joel: Are you two out of your damn mind? Where are we supposed to go, if those things will be in here?

Y/N: We can hide in the forest until the WLF arrives and fights against them. Then we should just wait to see the result of the battle and kill the remaining faction.

Ellie: That would keep our people from danger.

Y/N: We just have to place some scouts and snipers in the area, you know just to make sure that not a single soldier escapes or nobody sneaks up on us.

Joel: Those things will turn this place upside down.

Y/N: But they won't? They're not smart enough to start kicking doors in or smash through windows. They'll just gather in front of the alarm siren and once the WLF is here, we'll turn it off and open the gate. You guys do have buttons that open the gates, right?

Joel: No, we don't. We have to open and close them ourselves.

Y/N: That makes things a bit harder, but I'm sure the WLF will ram through the gates either way. Do you at least have a button to turn off the alarm system? We don't want the WLF to get suspicious on the way here.

Joel massaged his forehead.

Joel: Yeah, we do have buttons for that.

Y/N: Good.

Joel: But someone has to be in the watchtower to turn them off. I'm not gonna be caged in with those things here.

Y/N: You won't have to, I'm gonna do it.

Ellie: You sure? It's pretty dangerous if you ask me.

Y/N: Did that ever stop us?

Joel: Look here, I know you guys have been quite successful at ambushing and killing their soldiers but don't get too cocky now. This "mission", if you can call it that is on a whole different level.

Y/N: We do what needs to be done to survive.

Joel: That's dangerous, I don't want my people to get hurt.

Y/N: Your people will chill in the forest while I do the hard work over here. How are they supposed to get hurt? Tripping over a rock?

The last comment made Ellie snicker.

Joel: This is not funny at all.

He stared Ellie down.

Joel: Your boyfriend over here is sending us on a suicide mission.

Ellie: It's gonna work.

Joel: You can't know that.

Ellie: And I don't, but I trust him.

Y/N: Thanks Ellie.

She looked at me and nodded.

Joel: Well I don't.

Y/N: I've proven more than enough times that I'm on your side, if you have trust issues it's your problem.

Joel: If you would've experienced the things that we all went through you would be the same.

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