Chapter 11

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Dina: What do you guys want from us?

Abby: From you? Nothing. We came here for Joel. But as far as I know you killed a lot of our soldiers, so we killed a lot of your people.

Y/N: What about the kids?

Abby: I don't give a shit about your kids.

This comment shocked everyone.

Ellie: Are you saying you killed-

Abby: Yes, all of them.

She turned around to her men.

Abby: Or did you let anybody go?

WLF Soldier: No, ma'am we got them all.

Abby: Good.

Joel: You're a monster.

Abby: Takes one to know one, right?

Ellie: Joel did nothing to you.

Abby: Oh yes, he did. He took away my father. But you haven't told them that, have you Joel? You probably don't even know who my father was since he was just another victim for you. Just another person to kill.

Joel: I have no idea who you mean.

Abby: The doctor that was supposed to perform the surgery on Ellie.

Joel's eyes widened, he knew who she meant. He remembered.

Y/N: You almost killed this whole village. I think you two are even now.

Abby shook her head an chuckled.

Abby: I already told you, we're here for Joel, do you think we're just gonna walk away because we killed some other people that we don't even give a shit about?

Y/N: I thought you guys were soldiers, not raiders.

Abby: We are soldiers. That's why we found you guys. How we do things is not for you to decide. Don't ever compare us to raiders again.

Y/N: If you don't want to be compared to raiders you should stop acting like them.

Abby: Says the guy who tried to rob this village.

Y/N: Yeah, because I needed food. You guys look well fed to me.

Abby: That's an pathetic excuse, but I'll let it slide this time. Explain to me why you attacked our patrols then, you needed their food too?

Y/N: They came too close to our territory.

Abby: This isn't your territory. You guys have no territory, it all belongs to us. I'm asking you again, why did you attack our patrols?

Y/N: How do you even know that was us?

Abby: Oh please, do you think we're stupid?

Y/N: Yes.

That wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. I guess I deserved to get punched in the face, but man it still hurt like hell, Joel's punches were nothing compared to that.

I fell on my back.

Ellie crawled over to me and pushed Abby away.

Ellie: Wait, don't hurt him, please.

Y/N: Ellie it's fine.

Ellie: Just shut up, Y/N. Please.

Abby: Yeah, I think that would be a great idea.

Abby stepped back again and Ellie helped me back on my knees.

Y/N: I'm fine Ellie, don't worry. I can take a punch.

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