Chapter 3

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I crept around the WLF guys so that I was on the opposite side of Ellie.

All the grass, bushes and trees gave me good cover and made me hard to see.

I aimed at the head of one of them, exhaled deeply and opened fire.

I pulled the trigger twice. Once on one guy and then on the other, both shots hit in their head.

The rest turned in my direction and started shooting wildly, I took cover behind the tree and heard shotgun blasts. It had to be Ellie.

I looked out of the cover, now two more were on the ground, the last one wanted to run away but I shot him in the back of his head.

We both went out of our cover.

Y/N: Piece of cake, I told you.

She stuck her hand out.

Ellie: Give me the gun.

Y/N: Ah come on, can't I keep it? As a souvenir.

Ellie: Not yet.

I handed her the gun with a smile.

Y/N: We make a good team.

She smirked in return

I turned to the guy lying on the floor.

Y/N: Your knees are fucked, I will carry you.

I tried to pick him up but he slapped my hands away.

Villager: Hands off me! I don't need help from a thief.

Ellie: Calm down, he's on our side.

Villager: Don't be naive, he's just waiting for the right moment.

Y/N: Yup, that's exactly what I'm doing. That's why I just gave up my gun.

Ellie: My gun.

I looked at Ellie

Y/N: Fine, your "soon to be mine" gun.

She smirked again and shook her head.

Ellie: Keep dreaming.

Y/N: I will.

I turned back to the guy on the ground.

Y/N: So what do you say, should I help you or would you like to bleed out here?

No answer.

Y/N: Silence is also an answer.

I tried to pick him up but he slapped my arms away again.

Villager: I said stay away from-

I punched him in the face and he lost consciousness right away.

Ellie: Y/N! What the hell?!

I picked him up and threw him around my shoulder.

Y/N: He was just too shy to accept my help. You know, some people have to be forced to make the right decision.

We made our way back to the village.

Ellie: The village will be panicked.

Y/N: Your village is always panicked, it seems.

Ellie: They're not as hardened as we are.

Y/N: Yeah, I can see that. But they have to adapt, there's no way around it.

Ellie: They will somehow.

Y/N: You don't sound so sure about that.

Ellie: Yeah, because I'm not.

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