Epsiode 23

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2 months later.

Dev was in his cabin working as usual. He returned that day, after visiting her. He did as what she said. She didn't wanted to come back to their live, and she needs the time so he came not bothering her. She was not in contact to anybody still now.
Shubhadra and Suresh were to one who were feeling goo guitly for not understandinh her and now they were bearing the distance with their own child. She too didn't contacted anybody.

Dev was lost somewhere. A piece of him was lost.

What dev? Seeming you're not in your form since two months. Something happened in shimla?

Vendant aksed.

Nothing major. I've to go Shimla. I've forgot something there.


Ya. It's urgent. May be I'll loose it forever. I've to go.

Oka..okay...but..come back early. Without you this office seems of no spirit.

Ofcourse sir...

Ding dong.

Gauravi's door bell rang. She opened the door only to find Dev standing. He was looking so tired but still the sparkle was never faded in him. White shirt, black coat. Hairs messy . And those blue orbs. He smiled and came inside.

Don't you ask me to come inside gauri?

Gauri shifted and he entered .

Why you came dev? I told you ..

Because I want you to come back gauri. I can't live without you. These two months were terrible than those 3 years. Forgive me for my behaviour. Forgive me for your loneliness, for your cravings for your mom and dad. Forgive. And come back.

Why dev? I know i did wrong. But only the method was wrong not the time intentions were. You can't imagine how i felt in those 3 years. You all abandoned me all of together. Neither mom nor dad and not you too. I've done mistake, and may be I'll come back for you. Because I did wrong to you. I did nothing to ma baba. And they just tied me to that viren, and then abandoned me. They never understood me.

I know they did wrong gauri. But, please forgive them and come back. Some days before sure..Suresh uncle had came . I saw the pain and guilt in his eyes. He wants you to explain why you did that? Why you left viren. He wants to know everything. He is giving you one more chance. He said that there is much more you are not telling them. Please. Return for me atleast. I love you Gauri. I love you. And I'm not going to spend even a single moment without you.

Gauri had tears in her eyes. She just stared him and then turned her face. He went to her and wrapped her in his arms. She closed her eyes letting her tears fall and felt the warmth the satisfaction of having him after so many years. He soothed her. After a moment she turned, she still has tears in her eyes.
He too was looking at her eyes.

Finally you came back.

She whispered.

Finally, I'm seeing you again.

And they both smiled a little.



Have you forgave me?

Forgave you for what dev? What you did was right. I put your career, your trust your everything at sake. I should had informed you then would have executed the plan. But..my silliness costed both of us. What you did at that moment, was right. And i know that..


I know that you come to my place after some days of our fight. But tab tak, i went away.

She said.

Who told you that?

He asked.

I've my ways. Dev, do you still love me?

Yes, i do. And you?

In return she took two steps more near to him decreasing their distance, and kissed his cheek.

She smiled. Yes i too do. Bu..

She was going to tell him something but he leaned and pecked her lips.

No ifs and buts. Only me and you. And then she was pulled in a bone crushing hug. He embraced her too tightly, pouring out all the love that has been kept inside by him in his heart.
She felt some wetness on her neck. She parted and saw fresh tears in his eyes. And then, he broke down.

She has never seen dev getting broke down in front of anyone. Not even alone. The man has a rigid and placid cover outside and so protective around his family. A calm, self contained, responsible, happy man, all that she saw in him. But know that man, himself has broken down. All the pains, heartaches they both have endured in those 3 years very immerse. She now know what he has beared all those years. Not only she was in pain, he too was. Seeing him like this was shattering her heart into pieces.

She sat down on the couch with him
She put his head on her neck and caress his back soothing him, hugging him. Soon he placed his head on her lap and put his arms across her stomach tightly embracing her. She caressed his hair.

Shhh..dev..shh.... I'm here.

She said somehow controlling her emotions.

He sat down and hugged her more tightly in response.

Gauri...gauri..please never leave me.. never. Even if i tell you..still don't.

He said. She took his face in her plams, and just started in those blue eyes.

I'll never ever.

She said and put her lips on his and stayed like that for 2 minutes. She parted, and smiled a little. He again lie down putting his head on her lap and both slept.

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