Music Speaks To The Soul

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Johnny gave Violet and Miguel a address and were surprised to see it was an actual building with a solid foundation

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Johnny gave Violet and Miguel a address and were surprised to see it was an actual building with a solid foundation.

Johnny was peeling some stencil off the wall and turned to the two. He was wearing his Gi but Miguel didn't understand. The two stood in front of Johnny in silence waiting for instruction.

"So am I going to get the karate pajamas, too-" he asked but was cut off


"The student only speaks when spoken to. Is that understood?"

"Uh, yes...Yes, sir?"

"You will always address me as "Sensei," is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei." The two said together

"These aren't pajamas. This is a gi. And you'll get one when you've earned it. All right, are you ready to begin your training?"

"Yes, Sensei."

Johnny then grabbed Miguel and pinned him down knocking the wind out of him.

"What the-"

"Hyah!" Johnny yelled and Violet visibly winced and Miguel's groan in pain.

"Lesson one, strike first. Never wait for the enemy to attack."

"You could have gave me, like, a warning."

"Quiet! We do not train to be merciful here.
Mercy is for the weak." Johnny snapped as Miguel pulled out his inhaler. Here on the street, in competition, a man confronts you, he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy. What is the problem, Mr. Diaz?"

"There's no problem, Sensei. You punched me, and I have asthma, so..."

Johnny grabbed the inhaler and threw it towards the wall breaking it.

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