The Plot Thickens

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Violet and Miguel practiced together in the dojo when the door opened and Aisha walked in

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Violet and Miguel practiced together in the dojo when the door opened and Aisha walked in.

"No yoga till 5:00." Johnny said and Violet rolled his eyes

"I-I'm actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." She said making Miguel and Violet look at each other

"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny said

Violet looked at him confused considering the fact Violet was in Cobra Kai.

"Why not?"

"Same reason there aren't women in the Army.
Doesn't make sense."

"But Violets in Cobra Kai" Aisha pointed out

"That's different. She has experience"

"Sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Miguel said and Violet followed.

"Don't give me this "sexist" bull. All right, I'm just saying, women aren't meant to fight. They have tiny, hollow bones."

"Rude" Violet scoffed

"Well your badass. I'm talking about other girls who know nothing on how to fight."

"Aren't you desperate for new students?"

"Yes. But this isn't a knitting class. This is a dojo."

"The kids at school call her names, make fun of her."

"That's what happens when you eat an entire box of Twinkies every day."

Violets eyes widen and at that moment really wanted to slap him.

"Her dad is Isaiah Robinson. Hall of Fame lineman for the Chargers."

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