Changes In Authority

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"This could all be over in an instant

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"This could all be over in an instant. The decision's yours. Who trashed the Miyagi dojo?
Y'all know I'm no fan of LaRusso's, but that sort of crap we don't teach in here. At least not anymore. So, I'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?" Johnny asked as he made the kids do workouts as punishment. Most of the kids were about to pass out but Violet was actually enjoying it a little. She looked over at Miguel who looked like he was ready to drop dead. Tory on the other hand was like Violet and didn't seem very affected by the punishment.

"It was not me, Sensei. I would never disrespect
another man's dojo..."

"Shut your cake hole, Chubs. I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for answers."

"Sensei, we really don't know who did it." Miguel said looking at Johnny

"Somebody knows something. Question is, who's gonna break?" Kreese said and Violet rolled her eyes. She didn't like Kreese. She had a bad feeling about him and if Violet learned anything from her past life in New York it was to trust her gut.

"Keep going. We can do this all day." Johnny said but then his phone went off.

"Hey, hey, man. Long time. Good, man. Listen, I'd love to catch up. I'm just in the middle...Wait, what? How bad is it?"

"Sensei, we need a water break." A kid said looking at Kreese but Violet had her eyes glued to Johnny. It was obvious something was wrong.

"Two-minute break. Get your bearings."

The kids dispersed but Violet stayed close enough to hear Hawk talk to Kreese.

"I think I should tell Sensei Lawrence that I did it." He said and Violets eyes widened. At this point she wasn't even surprised. She never thought Eli would fight her but yet it happened so him trashing Miyagi Do wasn't too far off.

"Say nothing. I'll handle it."

"Yes, Sensei." Hawk nodded and looked at Violet who had her eyes locked on him making him gulp.

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