And So It Begins

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Lunch was an interesting time of day for Violet Santiago

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Lunch was an interesting time of day for Violet Santiago. She always had two choices 1. Ditch and head to the skating park where Robby usually was or choice 2, stay and hang out with Eli and Demetri. Today she decided to go with choice number two. She sat next to Eli and handed him some Doritos.

"Here, thanks for covering my lunch yesterday"

"Sure, no problem" he said giving a small smile

"Ok, so if your not busy I have a new D&D set we can test out tonight" Demetri said taking a bite of his sandwich

"I'm in if V is"

"Only if We play Monopoly too"

"No! You always win!" Demetri argued

"She wins cause we suck at it" Eli pointed out.

"He has a point" Violet shrugged and Eli handed her half of his cookie.

"Chocolate chip?"

"With extra chips" Eli nodded. The two had a deal. Valerie would give him Doritos if he made sure to bring a chocolate chip cookie. It was weird in Demetri's eyes but the two had a unsaid understanding.

"Is it cool if I sit here?"

The three turned their heads and Violet recognized it was Miguel.

"Ooh, sorry, table is really blowing up right now. I can put you on the wait list, but it's probably next semester at the earliest." Demetri said, his voice full of sarcasm.

"Okay." Miguel said oblivious and started to walk away

"No, he's kidding Batman. Sit." Violet insisted pointing to the chair next to her. She saw he had a bag of Taki's and took them.

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