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I prayed all the way here. All the way to the Bridgerton's residence, I asked God to give me a sign that being here in this time period is going to be okay. I smiled as I exited the carriage behind Lady Danbury because if not, my facial expression would have given away my worry. Thankfully she did not question me any longer about the Viscount on the way here, we just sat in comfortable silence. 

"Good evening beautiful ladies, welcome once again to my humble home" Greeted Mrs. B

"Good evening" I smiled back as did Lady D

"Addison, I thought you wouldn't make an appearance tonight" Said Eloise coming down the stairs 

"What- Why would you ever assume such a thing?" I chuckled going to hug her 

"Benedict" She chuckled back 

"Where is he anyway?"

"Looking for me, my darling?" Asked Benedict coming out of their lounging area with Colin in tow 

"No, I was actually looking for my favorite male Bridgerton" I smirked back at him 

"Well then Anthony is in his study" He whispered only so I could hear

"I was talking about Gregory" I giggled seeing the young lad running towards me 

"I'm very much dissatisfied with that answer Ms. Riverdale" Colin faked a sigh making me laugh a little louder

"Addddddyyyyyyy" Gregory yelled out as he hugged me which made Hyacinth push him away 

"Only I get to call her Addy" Said the youngest Bridgerton who is now latched onto me 

"Ugh, there is enough of me for the both of you" I beamed down at them

"Well, hello to you too beautiful Diamond" I heard that familiar velvet voice 

Turning around, I stood in awe watching as Daphne walked towards me. 

"Is it normal for the whole Bridgerton clan to be obsessed with one person?" Francesca chuckled looking at the embrace Daphne and I held 

"Come on Francesca, you're the only one who is still immune to my charm I assume" I said to her 

"It's not that I'm immune... I just think it's best you have room to breathe" She smiled now embracing me 

"So you do like me after all" I smirked at her 

"Shut it" She smiled nodding 

"We can stand around all night, or we can go have dinner. I refuse to let mother and Lady Danbury eat alone" Colin said, which made me realize the older ladies have already left 

"Well then, let us all go then. I am famished" Benedict says laughing 

We all began walking towards the dining hall, but Daphne pulled me back. Looking at her a little confused, I began to speak up. 

"Are you alright?" I asked her looking at her now frantic looking face 

"W-well, I don't think Anthony is going to make it to dinner" She said 

"Why is that?" I ask

"Well, I got your letters that you wrote and I know that you care rather deeply for my brother" She began "But he is in his study with Simon" 

"Is he okay?" 

"He is on a rampage" She deadpanned 

"Does your mother know?" I ask almost immediately 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now