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saul is 26. odette is 20. sky and stella are both 8. aisha is 7


It was completely unexpected. No one expected Rachel and Solomon to get attacked. And no one ever thought the Burned Ones that did it would get away. And they never imagined a fairy from earth would sit on the throne of Linphea.

But there she was.

A solemn look on her face as she looks at the crowd gathered in the throne room as the crown is put on her head.

In three weeks, Odette had gone from future Captain of the Queen's Guard to Queen. She had to learn everything she could about leading a realm. She had to mourn the people she'd come to see as parents over the course of nearly seven years.

"I present to you Queen Odette of Linphea! Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!"

To her left stands Atticus, the advisor to Solomon and now her. On her right, the captain of the Queen's Guard, Ser Jorah, and to his right, Argyus, Atticus's brother and the captain of the King's Guard. They'd proven to be trustworthy and efficient in their roles under Solomon and Rachel, so she let them be.

Some people leave after she's crowned, and a handful of others line up on the left side of the room. Monarchs and the like from other realms.

Odette can see Farah in line as the first, a young blonde girl with a gaggle of guards, steps in front of her.

"Princess Stella of Solaria."

The girl curtseys neatly. "My mother sends her apologies for not being able to attend, your majesty."

"Apology accepted. Please enjoy yourself."

"Teredor and Niobe of Andros, with daughter Aisha."

Atticus leans over to her, whispering, "Their family supplies power to nearly a third of Solaria using hydroelectric dams."

"Prince Sky of Eraklyon, escorted by Benjamin Harvey and Farah Dowling, representing Alphea College." Another young blonde, standing slightly in front of Farah and the man Odette assumes in the Ben that Farah talked about.

"Aunt Farah!" Odette jumps up and wraps her arms around the woman.

"Hello, darling. I'm sorry about Rachel and Solomon."

"It's fine, honestly. Atticus will be taking care of a lot. Did he come?"

"I'm sorry, he didn't. I tried for hours to convince him but he wouldn't have it."

"I presume we're speaking about Silva?" Arguyus steps forward. "We were hoping he'd be here."

"We were too honestly. Ben Harvey." The men shake hands. "He insisted that the students needed someone with more power than a teacher to 'keep them in line.'"

"Just wait until Sky and Stella start," Farah jokes.

Saul was kicking himself in the ass.

He'd been dreaming of her for 11 years. And he denied going to see her.

It made sense at first. He was saving himself the heartbreak. But now, as he watches the first-year specialists train, he'd give anything to be there. To finally see her in real life. But it would only hurt him. He's sure of it.

He's been sure of it for years. Since he woke up on his 21st birthday he's known.

She won't know for another few weeks.

It would kill him to know her personally but not be able to tell her for weeks. To not be able to tell her of their connection.

His phone buzzes and he pulls it out of his jacket to see a text from Farah. He opens it to see a picture of Odette in a blue dress with a plunging neckline, a thick belt accentuating her waist, and long hair falling in tight waves.

Farah: Isn't she pretty Saul?

Saul: Yeah, she's gorgeous

Farah: Kicking yourself in
the ass??

Saul: Don't sound so smug
with yourself

Farah: But you regret not

Saul: Nooo, I love watching
first-years trying to
pummel each other

Farah: Don't worry too
much. She asked
about you. I'll rejoice
when you two finally

Saul: You and me both

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