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Saul is surprised when he wakes up to the curtains being opened, alone in bed.

"The Queen requests your presence in the stables in 30 minutes, your Majesty."

Atticus disappears through the door before he can say anything.

He lays his head back on the pillow, reaching over to her side of the bed. The fabric holds no trace of her warmth. He'd become accustomed to her high body temperature in the past days, waking up with her pressed against him.

And she'd been working on getting him used to pleasure again. He's a grown man, but after months of being in a cell under constant surveillance, it felt like the slightest touch would make him bust.

Still, he's a grown man, a fact which presents itself every morning. Much to Odette's liking. She'd gladly help him with his problem as she taught him what she liked.

And gods did he learn fast.

He couldn't cum more than once, but he never left her unsatisfied.

Reluctantly, he climbs out of the bed.

The stables. That meant horses. He was familiar with horses, but riding one at full mast . . .

That wouldn't do.

He feels fifteen again. Walking through the halls after rubbing one out. Feels like everyone is looking at him. They are. But not for that reason.

Still, he walks as quickly as he can without running, following his instincts until he comes to the stables. There, he finds Odette adjusting the saddle on a stark white mare. He approaches her, coming up on the opposite side, stroking the horse's neck.

"It's about time you showed up."

"I had an issue to tend to. One that you usually help with. Though, I'm guessing you left me to handle it on purpose."

She gives him a small smirk. "And did you?"

"I couldn't very well walk through the halls like that. Much less ride a horse."

"Sky said you had horses."

"Yes. I couldn't stand them as a child. But after my father . . . I came to understand why he loved them so much."

"Well, this is Silver. You'll be riding Cobalt. He's all tacked up. We could take a car, but I thought you'd enjoy going for a ride."

"It's been ages. Between teaching and taking care of Sky and . . . I reckon Andreas let all of ours loose when he burned down the house."

"Saul. Today is meant to be a happy one. I have a couple surprises."

"I'm not a fan of surprises."

"You'll like these ones. I promise."

They ride for a while before Odette has them stop and dismount.

"We walk from here. But, there is one condition." She moves to him, holding a navy blue blindfold.

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, I'm very serious." She reaches up and slips it on, the elastic holding it snugly around his head. "It is a surprise after all." She grabs his hand and leads him up the hill.

When they stop at the top, she removes the covering to reveal his first surprise.

He's speechless for a few moments. "How?" His voice is quiet with disbelief. "I thought Andreas . . ."

"I wanted to see your home away from Alfea. I got there right as he told them to burn it. Between my mind and light magic, it was all too easy to make them think they succeeded. But the tears were the cherry on top." She holds his hand as it trembles.

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