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9 PM

Odette stands at the barrier surrounding Alfea. She lets her fingers glide across it as Sky bangs on the other side. She lowers her hand and the ripples dissipate.

"How did she sound when you talked to her?" Musa asks Aisha, referring to Bloom.

"On edge. I told her she had to come to us first, that we had to discharge her magic and we'd figure out what to do about Rosalind, but . . ." She trails off.

"But what?" Sky questions.

"Rosalind said she's gonna meet Bloom at the portal."

"I'll go there. Maybe I can help." Odette runs off before any of them can protest. She arrives at the graveyard to see Bloom channeling the Dragon Flame as she stands before Rosalind.

The flame gets brighter and the blonde shields her eyes, which means the wave of strong wind that comes after knocks her right off of her feet.

Sky suddenly runs up and helps her to stand before they go to Bloom.

Odette half expected Rosalind to just disintegrate, but then she sees the charred remains of the woman and has to avert her gaze.

"I lost control."

Odette stands beside Saul in the East Wing. All of the Winx suite are there.

"I trust you all understand the gravity of the situation," Saul starts. "So, until we are sure about how we're going to proceed, nobody can know any of the details of what happened at the graveyard today. Nobody can know that any of the fairies at this school no longer control the Dragon Flame."

"Sorry, I know it's a big deal that Bloom kill . . ." Terra trails off. "That Rosalind's dead. But in my humble opinion, it's a bigger deal that Rosalind murdered Miss Dowling."

"We don't know for certain that Rosalind killed Farah. Sebastian could have been lying. When did he say it happened?"

"He said it'd been all year," Bloom's voice is quiet.

"The day you were arrested," Odette mutters to Saul.

"I remember." He takes a box from Sky when the teen walks in. "Thank you, Sky. Now, I have made an agreement with Bavani that should keep Bloom out of confinement." He walks over to the desk and opens the box.

"What are those?" Flora questions.

"Torture devices to stop Bloom using her magic," Aisha answers quickly when Saul grabs the bracelets. "The crystal is why she lost control. She discharged her magic into it. She's not a risk anymore."

The man goes to stand in front of the sulking teen. "I'm afraid those were the terms."

"It's okay," Bloom says, drawing attention to her. "I did it. I'm not gonna fight." She pushes up her sleeves.

The metal rings as the bracelets unfurl, attaching themselves to Bloom's wrists.

Saul steps back. "Bavani will convene a tribunal to determine the consequences of Bloom's actions. Queen Luna will preside over it." He goes to open a case on the desk.

"Lovely," Stella mutters.

"So, you expect us to go to class and act like everything's normal?"

"No, because everything is not normal." Saul lifts a device holding a crystal and sets it on the crate Sky pulled out. "Queen Luna is making an address." He presses a button and a hologram of Luna is projected. The woman wears a dress that reminds Odette of one of her own.

"Citizens of Solaria, I have tragic news. Rosalind Hale, headmistress of Alfea, is dead. It is a grave loss not only for the students of Alfea but for the entire realm. Rosalind was one of the bravest fairies the Otherworld has ever seen. Respected by her peers. Feared by her enemies. But fear will not dictate how we respond.

"There is a guilty party, and they will be brought to justice. Blood Witches. Their hatred of our kind is well known. But a heinous act such as this is unprecedented, carried out by their leader, Sebastian Valtor. Every Blood Witch following him is considered an enemy of the Crown. We will use the full weight of our military against them. And make no mistake . . . this is an act of war."

"And even in death, Rosalind gets what she wanted," Odette mutters, glaring at Luna's projection.

MARCH 19 - 1 PM

"This isn't going to work," Odette says decisively as she walks with Terra and Flora.

"It might!" Terra protests. "Just think positive. But, Flora, you promise we won't have to dig up Dowling's corpse?"

"No, no grave-digging."

"If it happened at the end of last term there wouldn't be a body. Just bones," Odette says darkly.

"Anyway, we just need proof she's there. Stella can't say Bloom acted in self-defense unless Dowling's body is where Rosalind said it was-"

"Kat!" Terra calls to the Specialist walking over.

"Hey, Terra. Flora. Mrs. Silva."

"Hello, Kat."

"Sorry, you're probably wondering what we're doing here. Let me- let me tell you. Um, we were just, uh-"

"We're going for a walk in the graveyard," Flora says smoothly as Terra stutters. "Last time I checked, that wasn't against the rules."

"It is now. Sorry." No, she's not. "No students roaming around outside. Blood Witches could be anywhere."

The fairies share a look and Kat steps closer.

"You don't have to tell me what you're up to. Probably shouldn't, to be honest. But I'm on duty alone tomorrow morning. Might have better luck sneaking by me then."

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