1.8: LOSS

139 3 0

tw: miscarriage.

NOVEMBER 18 - 7:30 AM

Saul wakes up when a nearby door slams shut. It takes him a moment to register the cramp in his gut and the sweat beading on his skin.

But the chill that racks through his body brings his attention to both. At first, he thinks one of his wounds has gotten infected. But nothing else hurts.

He groans as he turns on his side, subconsciously bringing up his legs as he buries his face in the pillow.

He doesn't even notice the guard standing outside his cell until they unlock the door and touch his shoulder.

"Mr. Silva? Can you hear me?"

When he doesn't respond, she pulls a walkie-talkie from her belt. "I need a doctor Silva's cell. He's feverish, in pain, and awake but unresponsive."

"Copy that."

She shakes his shoulder again. "Mr. Silva? I need you to say something." He still doesn't respond. "Just hold on. Someone's coming."

8 AM

Atticus pushes open the door to Odette's bedroom and walks in, headed straight for the curtains. Ser Jorah remains by the door as the other man opens them, letting light into the room.

They share a look when Odette doesn't wake and fuss at them as she had the past few mornings.

Atticus takes the initiative, moving to her side and laying his hand on her shoulder. He can feel how cold her skin -which is usually boiling hot- is through her thin nightgown. "She's ice-cold." He pulls the blanket down and stumbles back at the sight of her blood soaking the sheets.

"Move." Jorah steps close to the bed, unaffected by the sight, and picks up Odette. She goes limply into his arms. He walks quickly down to the medical wing of the castle and the doctors take over.

2 PM

"I don't care what Luna says, his mate's health is in danger! And it's severe enough that he should be ill!" Atticus stalks around his office, arguing with some random employee of Luna's. He glances at the door as Jorah, Argyus, and the head doctor come in. "Fine. But expect a call from us again and again until we get someone who will listen." He ends the call and sighs. "What's the news?"

The doctor breathes deeply, opening the folder in his hands. "We've determined that the Queen was approximately 8 weeks pregnant. Due to stress caused by separation from the King, she has experienced a miscarriage. We've given her medication to speed it along and make her sleep. But, if the King is not released soon," he swallows nervously, "we fear we may lose Her Majesty."

4 PM

Ben steps nervously into the room where Saul's cell is. He had stabilized but was still sick. The fairy steels his nerves. Saul needs to know. At least Rosalind had allowed him to come down and tell his friend the news.

"Saul?" He steps closer to the bars.

The brunette stirs slightly. "Ben?"

He goes to sit by the cell near the head of the cot. "I know you're not well but you must listen to me. It's about Odette."

That catches Saul's attention. "What's happened?"

"Atticus called me a couple of hours ago. Saul, she was pregnant."


"Because she hasn't been with you, her body miscarried the fe- baby. She's receiving care, but . . ."

"But what, Ben?"

Saul is looking at him now, and the fairy can see the fury in his eyes.

"The Linpheans are worried for her life. I know your feelings about Rosalind, but even she won't stand for keeping mates apart. She's talking with Luna now about your pardon."

Saul scoffs. "Luna won't pardon me. She'll keep me in this cage until I die from the sickness."

"I felt you needed to know. You deserved to know." He stands up and heads for the door.

"Ben!" The man looks back. "Thank you for telling me."

"I was born in Linphea, Saul. My children were born in Linphea. My loyalty isn't to Luna. It's to Odette, and, by extension, you."

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