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After being bedridden for days, anyone would be anxious to get up and move

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After being bedridden for days, anyone would be anxious to get up and move. Which was exactly what she did.

Odette had been confined to her bed for nearly two weeks, and she was tired of it. She was also fed up with not being able to see Saul. So, in the early hours of the morning, when most of the castle would be asleep, she dug deep into her feelings and her power and opened a portal.

She'd opened portals before, but she always knew where she was going. She had no idea where she'd gone when she stepped through.

It was hot, and there were no people. The ground was hard, and the heat seeped into her feet. She could see a mountain in the distance and set off, bearing no mind to the uneven surface.

As she walked, she noted that there was no vegetation and no animals. The only sign that there had been any kind of life was the large bones that were sticking up from the ground. But how had they gotten into the ground? It was as solid as a rock.

No. Not as a rock. It was a rock.

Looking up at the mountain, she realized that it wasn't a mountain, but a volcano. And the ground she was standing on was lava that had cooled into igneous rock.

Her mind screamed at her to open a portal back to Linphea, but her heart urged her to keep going. And she did, the ground getting warmer and warmer as she came to the base of the formation.

With a deep breath, Odette allows herself to feel everything she can, which brings her attention to a life force at the top of the volcano. But she can also feel Saul. The stiffness in his muscles. The ache in his gut.

She's very far away from him right now. But she can't get to him anyway. So she sets her sights on getting to whatever it is that's alive in the volcano.

Her wings unfurl and she lifts off of the ground. Within seconds, she's standing on the ledge, 500 feet above where she was.

Laying there, on the cap of the volcano, is a large dragon. It lifts its head and looks at her for a moment.

Odette can feel how weak it is. Her attention is shifted when it draws back a wing, revealing three eggs. It nudges one toward her.

Swallowing, the woman hesitantly steps down onto the cap. She moves closer to the creature until she can reach out, gently laying a hand on the dragon's neck. Slowly, she moves her hand up until she touches its muzzle.

It vaguely reminded her of a horse.

She moves her attention to the eggs, picking up the one that had been nudged closer to her. She could just barely feel the small life inside of it.

The dragon stands, stepping up onto the ledge, and flapping its wings.

Odette can see just how large it is. Then she realizes it's flying away. "What- wait!" She looks at the eggs and then back to the dragon. As she watches, it lands and curls back up. And then, it bursts into flames.

The flames die out just as quickly as they grew, but when they do, nothing of the dragon remains. Not even ashes.

"What am I supposed to do?"

There were no dragons in the Otherworld. They were a myth.

Eggs. Eggs had to be incubated to hatch. Why would dragon eggs be any different? It's certainly warm enough to leave them here. She can't see anything that could take them. But just because she couldn't see them . . .

Odette looks down at the egg in her hands. She forgot she was holding it. Balancing it in one hand, she leans down to grab another, tucking it into her elbow. She grabs the third, doing the same.

Ensuring that the eggs are secure, she opens a portal back to her bedroom and steps through it.

Atticus, Argyus, and Ser Jorah are all there when she does. The latter is the first to notice her. "Odette!" He moves closer to her but stops when he sees the eggs.

"What are those?" Atticus asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Eggs, obviously," Argyus says. "But they're huge!"

Odette rolls her eyes, using her fire magic to light the fireplace as she gets closer to it. "I went  . . . somewhere. I don't know where. There was a dragon." She puts the eggs into the fire one by one.

"Dragons are a myth," Atticus says matter-of-factly.

"Well, I saw it. Touched it. It was dying and gave them to me."

"So, what exactly are you doing?" Argyus questions. "Cooking them?"

"I found them at the top of a volcano. I have to keep them warm."

"And if they hatch?" Atticus inquires. "Whatever will we do with three dragons?"

"I have a few ideas."

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