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Odette stands at the front of the throne room, which is packed with all of Linphea's most influential people and every soldier and guard in the realm, plus a camera crew to air her message throughout the realm

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Odette stands at the front of the throne room, which is packed with all of Linphea's most influential people and every soldier and guard in the realm, plus a camera crew to air her message throughout the realm.

She's not as strong as she was, her cheekbones more defined and her hair lays loose, but she's strong enough to tell the truth.

When she's given the signal, she begins.

"Citizens of Linphea, you all know me. I apologize for my absence in the past weeks, but I am here now. Approximately two weeks ago, I sent soldiers to aid in the destruction of the Burned Ones in Solaria. The creatures were able to breach the Barrier that surrounds the Alphea College grounds, but they have been destroyed. Afterward, I went to ensure the safety of King Saul.

"While I was there, Solaria's Queen Luna made herself known and ordered her men to arrest your King, my husband. Our soldiers were ready to fight to prevent it, as was I, but the threat we faced was too great. He would have been killed had we attempted to stop the Solarians.

"Queen Luna has denied our request to see him. Denied my request to see him. In Linphea, keeping mates, especially those that are bonded, apart is a crime. My advisors have spoken amongst themselves, and they have decided that the charges against Luna are as follows:

"Number one: unlawfully arresting the King of another realm; number two: keeping a pair of bonded mates separated from each other; number three: threatening to have her soldiers kill King Saul. My advisors have decided that these charges are war crimes against the realm of Linphea, its people, and its monarchs. I've been told that should I choose, I am well within my rights to declare war against Solaria and all those who side with Luna.

"I do not wish to wage war. I will be meeting with my advisors, Captains Jorah and Argyus, and all the leaders of our army to discuss plans to free my husband. Luna will not get away with this! And her realm will suffer for it!

"I have called back all of our soldiers and urged those in other realms to return to Linphea. And by my order, all trade with Solaria has been ceased. We have everything we need within our borders!

"They will learn that Linphea will not stand for this treachery!"

Argyus lets out a shout, holding up a fist. And all of the soldiers follow suit.

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