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Odette sits with Musa and the other mind fairies at Alphea. The girl hadn't transferred back to her old school, but the woman wanted to tutor her privately. Learning to block the Blood Witches might make her feel more valuable.

"Combat won't be as easy as hitting a single target," Saul tells the Specialists as he walks behind them, holding his own bow. "The Blood Witches and the scrapers will attack together."

"Mind fairies can protect Specialists from Blood Witch magic," Rosalind informs. "Musa."

The young girl looks at the woman. "Can I maybe just watch? My magic hasn't been very helpful recently." 

"With the exception of Odette and myself, you're the strongest mind fairy here. Your magic is limited only by your will."

"Maybe, I can do it first?" Odette suggests. "It might help if she can see how to do it first."

"Nonsense. Focus."

Musa hesitantly stands and goes to stand near Dane, channeling her magic. "Got him."

"Protect him while I simulate an attack." Rosalind begins to use her magic against the boy and he visibly flinches. "I can feel you, Musa. Push me away."

A tense moment passes and Dane lets his arrow fly, completely missing the flying disc.

"Told you. Not helpful," Musa sighs.

"Just like that attitude. Who's next?"

2 PM

"Andreas is missing. And so is Marco. And his phone is going straight to voicemail." Saul paces in his office.

"I've just heard back from Rosalind," Odette tells him, setting down her phone. "Beatrix has been missing since the night of the banquet. And Andreas pretty much raised her while he was in hiding. She's held up in the Capitol but she'll be back as soon she can."

"Wonderful," Saul slumps into the settee next to her, rubbing his face. "So, chances are Andreas took Marco to trade for Beatrix. And, there's no telling how long it's been."

"I can try to feel him, see if I can find him."

"Would you, love?"

She grins gently and closes her eyes, channeling her magic. "I found him. He's in the woods with Marco and another man. I can't hear them but I'm sure Andreas is threatening him." She jumps and Saul grabs her hand.


"He's dead. The man." Her breath is quick. "His neck just-" Her words are cut off as her throat tightens, her lungs straining for air.

Saul can feel tightness faintly and knows that they're feeling Andreas's pain.

Suddenly, the pressure is gone and Saul catches Odette as she falls forward.

"It's okay," he whispers, rocking them slightly. "I've got you."

"Do you have any idea how dangerous it is out there?" Saul's voice is hushed as he talks on the phone.

"Oh yeah, it's . . . it's terrifying." Sky replies sarcastically.

The man sighs, "I want you back before sundown."

"Or what?"

"Excuse me?"

"Trying to figure out the consequences. Will it be a Silva-style lecture or a Rosalind-style torture? It's hard to nail down your moral center lately."

"Sky, whatever your feelings are towards me, put them aside. You're speaking to your commanding officer." The sternness in his voice hurts his heart.

"I'll be back at a reasonable hour."

He lowers the phone after Sky hangs up.

"Saul?" Odette grabs his hand.

"A few of the students have gone down to the pub in Blackbridge. Sky's gone with them."

"And you're concerned. You have every right to be. He may have mixed emotions right now, but you're just as much his father as Andreas. Maybe more so."

"I just have a bad feeling. It's so similar to how it felt before Aster Dell."

"Just have faith. The more you worry about something, the greater the chances of that happening."

He takes a deep breath and his shoulders drop a little. "Thank you, love."

8 PM

Saul and Odette sit in a Hummer on the way to meet Sky, Riven, and Musa. Both of them wear battle-appropriate clothing.

"This feels like a trap," the woman mutters, having a change of heart. "We definitely should not be doing this."

"Just breathe."

They pull up to the house.

"Don't channel your magic unless you absolutely have to. It'll draw the scrapers to you."

Odette swallows harshly, looking over at him. "I love you, Saul."

"I love you, too."

They both get out and she follows behind him. They find Sky and Riven upstairs, both of them laid out.

Saul acts as Andreas turns to Riven. "Andreas, no!" His sword deflects the other man's.

They adults look at each for tense moment as Sky helps up Riven, who grabs Beatrix and takes off for the stairs.

Saul and Sky team up as Andreas picks up a discarded sword.

They begin to fight and Andreas has Saul pinned when Odette instinctively begins to channel her mind magic.

She can feel someone in his mind and begins to fight against them, making Andreas falter slightly.

The other person disappears from his mind entirely and Odette stops channeling her magic as he looks between his son and his mates.

Saul breathes deeply as Andreas lowers his sword the tiniest bit.

"The scrapers are gone," Odette informs them quietly.

Andreas locks eyes with her before his flash red and her face drops. He scans over her and Saul before ending with Sky. "Do what you have to do. Please."

The redness takes over his eyes and he strikes Sky.

"No!" Odette shrieks and draws his attention to her as her own eyes shine bright purple.

He shoves Saul down and moves toward her. She steps back as he does, trying desperately to push the Blood Witch from his mind.

Tear begin to well in her eyes as her back hits the wall and Andreas raises his sword, just as Sky lunges with his own, running the man through.

The boy pulls his sword free and Andreas collapses to the ground, followed by Odette.

Tears run down her face as she cups his cheeks. "No." Her voice is quiet. "No, no, no, no."

"I'm sorry, princess. I cou- I couldn't fight him." His words are hushed and he gasps for air as he begins to choke on his blood.

Odette is openly sobbing as Saul moves behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. His heart is broken just as much as hers. "We'll be okay." His voice cracks as his throat tightens. "It's okay."

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