I Fight A Shadow Demon With A Flower

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Y/n's POV

My eyes opened once more. Met with the black expanse that lied within my mind. If I had it my way this would be the last time, I ever had to come back to it.

How I wished to forget this retched place. To rid it from my mind and cleanse it from my memory. This endless black expanse that haunted my thoughts. In a way it echoed that dark plane I had just come out of. And if not in sense but purely in sight. But this place did not have the calm of that plane. The peace of that realm. Here the air was filled with unease. With sickness and disparity. This place was an infection.

But I knew that my true feelings for this place did not lie in that of itself. But of the being it housed. The very thing that made me so desperately want to rid myself of this darkness. They were the infection. An infection I had to cleanse.

Suddenly tendrils of shadow began to stretch out. Reaching towards each other clinging to one another. Coalescing into a solid form a solid being. And they appeared in front of me. Right on cue.

"It seems, you've returned." She spoke.

I had never really taken notice to it before, but the sound of its voice was interchanging. I had never really known what gender they had if they even possessed any. So, I had always used different pronouns whenever it felt appropriate. But I realized now that there was more to it than that.

"Come to grace me with your presence?" He said mockingly.

His voice was constantly shifting. As of now it came out with a tone of masculinity. But just a sentence prior it had sounded quite much more akin to that of a woman's voice. And as I thought on about it the change had happened constantly. Sometimes feminine, masculine, or neither. And most often all three voices would collapse upon another making a new voice.

It was such an odd detail. Why notice it now?

It didn't matter any way. I was going to see that he didn't have the luxury of staying in my mind any longer.

"Not like we have much time anyway. We're both about to die." They sighed. "Such a shame. What a waste of potential."

I kept a stern face. If my powers were failing. If I really was fading. I had to trust that Percy, Annabeth, and Grover could figure it out. That they could keep me safe.

I couldn't concern myself with what was happening out there. I had to focus on what was inside.

I turned back to them keeping a calm but steely expression. They were the root of everything that was happening to me. The darkness inside of me. That infection gnawing at my soul. It was killing me just as much as my wounds. If I could just rid them from my mind and my dark powers would joining them. Ridding me of the infection. I would be free. I just had to get him out. The one problem was I had no idea how.

They turned back at me as if reading my thoughts word for word. Grinning slightly as they chuckled. 

But there was an edge to that mirth. A tinge of a different emotion.

Perhaps could it be. . .


Percy's POV

The sun was sinking behind the mountains by the time we found the water park. Judging from the sign, it once had been called WATERLAND, but now some of the letters were written over, so it read WATTPAD. I wonder what that meant.

I felt Y/n's hockey bag slipping out of my arms, so I readjusted accordingly. It was like I could still feel him through the fabric. That cold absence of warmth or light permeating through the sports bag. It sent a shiver up my back. But despite that weird aura he seemed to be doing alright.

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